Thursday, May 1, 2014

Good Fences - Country Club Fence

We live 8 city blocks from The Bradenton Country Club, click on the link if you want to see how beautiful it is, inside the ugly fence.

it is 120 acres surrounded by fence on 2 sides, a long fence.
Only the rich need 1990 it was 18,000 to join plus monthly fees. No idea what it is now.. all I can do is drive by and take photos.

Chain link follows the road, but some places are trees, bushes and flowers in front of the ugly fence.
linking to Good Fence at The Run Around Ranch


  1. Wow that is one fancy expensive country club. Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. There are a lot of those down there! We couldn't believe it when we visited Mom and Dad....who lived in one of those gated communities...near, what else?...the country club!!!...:)JP

  3. Morning MS.....well I'd rather be riding with MS than on the other side of the fence!!

    Hugs Madi and Mom

  4. This fence reminds me how important it is to keep the rich inside that compound to protect the rest of us from them. :))

  5. Great comment, EG. Ditto on that. I like the shots of the trees in front of the fence.

  6. I won't say anything nasty about the local country club but I did enjoy your comment to our mutual friend in Sask. Canada about reading. Our story is very similar there...:)

  7. Good things hide behind fences sometimes!!
    I like how you had the black and white image with the red did you do that?

  8. Good Fences. Good shots.

    Hugs Carol Ann

  9. Glad to see you back! And not every fence can be pretty, right? But it is nice that there are plantings of shrubs and trees in front of the ones that are more utilitarian. You have such interesting foliage down there!

  10. How fun! Thanks for the adventure!

  11. A coat of green paint might not make it beautiful but it would tone down ugly.

  12. guess it does its job well. :) keeps the poor 'lookers' out and the rich folk in. :)

    thanks for linking in!

  13. you would have thought their fence would have been love the comment about keeping the rich folks in...great photos Sandra! love the Black and white with a splash of new favorite PicMonkey thing to do...

  14. The fence is only to serve a purpose but could be a bit prettier. It is certainly uninviting.

  15. They sure don't want any poor folk getting in there!

  16. I wouldn't be joining anytime soon! I really like how you isolated the color in the first photo. Good work!!

  17. Our country club has that same ugly fence. It must be a c.c. thing! At what they charge, the fence should be brick or stone or spun gold!


  18. They aren't spending any of that money on the fencing, are they? lol!
    About Photoscape, I've had it for a few years now, but you can google the name and you'll find a free download. Have fun!

  19. Well at least there are pretty trees/shrubs behind the fence.

  20. I've never been a fan of chain linked fencing. Glad you called it ugly!

  21. We live close to the country club, too. But it is not near as pretty as yours. Well, for one thing, we have no palm trees, and they really add to the beauty. I LOVE the edit much better than the regular one!! Do you make a picture black and white, then paint? I will It s stunning. I will try it sometime.

  22. For that kind of money you would think they could spring for a nicer fence!

  23. Some people have more money than brains!!!!

  24. You would thing with membership fees like that they could afford a fancier fence.
    I can't imagine spending that kind of money to belong to a club.
    I like that red vehicle especially in the first picture with the rest of it in black and white.

  25. That first photo is very eye catching.

  26. The fence is doing it's job. I have a friend who is the head groundskeeper at a local golf and country club. His reasons for loving the fences are more practical than selfish - they protect the hard work it takes to maintain the grounds and keep the vandals out. You wouldn't believe what some people do to destroy the trees and ponds. At least the club you photographed is trying to hide some of this ugly cyclone style fence with bushes but I would suggest they spend a little more of that horrid membership fee to fix the rest! I do *love* the first photo!

  27. I have heard about those country club fees, out of sight for mere mortals, says I tongue in cheek. Great photos Sandra, love what you did to the first one. Have a great weekend :)

  28. Well----many businesses have 'ugly' fences --but these fences may be necessary... I love pretty fences --but I'll bet the inside of that Country Club is beautiful --even if the fences aren't.....


  29. You'd think a fancy place like this country club would have a prettier fence.

  30. Haha, EG got it right!

    It looks like a lovely place but I'd rather be on this side of that plain (okay, ugly) fence. But I love the trees!

  31. My friend, Dawn, lives in Bradenton!
    It is such a small world - even blogging wise!

  32. It must be a fancy country club at that price.. I would think they could have a prettier fence too. Great shots, thanks for sharing. Have a happy weekend!

  33. I wonder why anyone wants to part with $18,000 plus fees ? Seems like a lousy investment for the cash out of pocket. The fence is ugly but your pics are lovely.
