Sunday, May 11, 2014

Up Date on ME

Happy Mothers Day.

I have a pinched nerve, it is in my right shoulder, going down my arm. I am in excruciating pain and can not type or do emails or blogs, i can't sit, stand or lay comfortably.. I am worse than I was Tuesday... maybe 2 hours a night of sleep due to pain... last night no sleep at all. I paced and huddled on the sofa.

I am not blogging or doing emails... and will not post again until something is done. This is also effecting my chronic hip and lower back problems. I am a mess. and I do miss all of you. I left comments on but will not be answering them but will read them.


  1. Oh, Sandra please take care of yourself...gentle stretches, anti inflammatory perhaps, get well soon, my friend. You can tell us later how you did it!!!...:)JP

  2. We so hope you are better soon. Sending love and healing vibes. Take care. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. So sorry to hear this!! I hope you get some relief and soon. Let us hear how you are whenever. In the meantime, I'll miss you and your good humor. Sending you healing thoughts.


  4. Praying for you to be able to find relief. I miss your happy posts here.

  5. Well that certainly doesn't make for a very pleasant mother's day. I'm sure the lack of sleep is making you all that more miserable too. I've heard that alternating between heat and ice can help relieve the pain sometimes

  6. Hello Sandra. I sure hope this gets resolved for you very soon. It's miserable to have pain interrupt sleep. I wish you the best.

  7. Sandra this is just terrible! I am sending healing thoughts and will keep you in my prayers. I have been worried and I will miss you so much. Sending HUGS ~ Inger

    Samson Says: Sending licks and hoping you will feel better soon. Your Samson, XOXOXOXOXO

  8. i'm so sorry. i was thinking of you last night and hoping you were feeling better. truly sorry it is worse!

    (just to make you smile, i think it was all the raccoon ogling you did...) :)

  9. Hugs and prayers Sandra! I hope the doc can either give you a shot or some kind of pain meds to ease this. I miss your happy posts- feel better soonest!

  10. I pray this will soon be resolved and you will once again be happily snapping photos. You are missed.

  11. I am sorry. Praying that you feel better soon.

  12. Happy Mother's Day to a sweet friend. So sorry about your pain. Have to say it sounds similar to my acute pericarditis I had last year.
    Take care....((HUGS))

  13. I'm so sorry Sandra. I pray that you'll get relief from the pain, good rest and then back to being able to do your photography and blogging very soon as we all miss you.

  14. I had just started to e-mail you when I thought I would check here one more time. Please go to your doctor again, or the E.R.or a clinic or somewhere.We are not doctors and you could really find some help. It may be something that you could get help. I hate to have you in pain and sleepless for so long...of course praying for you.

  15. Take care Sandra. I hope you'll feel better soon. All the best from Mostar.

  16. Just take care and get well. We'll still be here when you get back!

  17. Ouch, having pains down my right arm myself (and having been worse than now) I can feel it... Take care, rest, and resist the temptations to try and do too much! ♥

  18. i am so sorry, sandra! truly sorry it is worse. i hope you feel better soon!
    you go so much...take care.
    sending thoughts and prayers your way.

  19. OH Sweetie, I am so sorry. I can only imagine how that hurts. My love and prayers are with you. Keep us posted.

    I am improving with each passing day from my surgery --but the weekend was NOT a 'piece of cake' for me.... Oh Well... Keeps me honest, I guess... ha ha


  20. I've been thinking about you all week and hoping to see a post saying you were better. Sorry there is no improvement. I hope a doctor can ease the pain in some way. Get better soon!

  21. I'm so sorry...I hate that you are going through this...My Hubby and my Mom have both gone through nerve problems I have see the pain...sending prayers and hugs your way

  22. I'm sorry to hear about your pinched nerve -- I was hoping you were much better by now. But we will continue to think of you and pray for you. Just get well so you can get back to your mad-snapping.

  23. I can't be there in person.. but I can be there in spirit. I was thinking about you this afternoon and thought if I did not hear from you tonight that I would email you tomorrow AM. I am so sorry it is worse. A pinched nerve can be absolute he_ _! Both Jim and I have had them. Hope your hip stays in place but that is what happens...first one thing and then the hip! I am praying that each day is better. Don't answer me back. I will get in touch with you in a day or so. Good luck, God bless and lots of hugs!!!!!

  24. I warmly greet you and invite you to see my new photos.
    I wish you a successful week.

  25. So glad to hear from you sweet Sandra but sorry to hear you are in such pain. I have been thinking about you a lot and praying for you. Take care of yourself and I hope you get some much needed relief very soon. Keeping you my thoughts and prayers sweet friend! Big hugs!!!

  26. Oh no, I am so sorry you are in such pain. I hope something can be done for you quickly. Wishing you a speedy recovery Sandra! Sending a big hug!

  27. Oh, Sandra...I sure hope you get relief soon! I hope you have appt with someone lined up. If you were here I would recommend a couple chiropractors...cause they are known for sending you on to medical dr. if they cannot help. But from personal experience, know how they can help almost instantly in some cases.

  28. Oh I feel for you. Pinched Nerves are not fun at all. Please get the help you need so you won't be in such pain. Prayers for quick relief and healing.

  29. So sorry - praying you feel better soon!

  30. I am so sorry I hate you are in pain. It is my turn to pray for you and I will.

  31. I am so sorry! I hope you find some relief soon. I will be praying for you!

  32. Pain is no fun for anyone that's for sure, Sandra. Hope that you will be feeling better soon and get some relief and some much needed sleep.

  33. It is always sad to read that one of our blog friends is ill. We are all pulling for you and hope something can be done to fix the problem. You can't do anything when you are in so much pain. Thinking of you and sending hugs and best wishes.

  34. I searched for you in Feedly, then simply typed in your blog name. I figured something like this was going on. SO SORRY you're having to deal with this, Sandra! Thoughts and prayers are with you, friend.

  35. Oh Sandra, I am so sorry.
    I do hope and pray you get some relief ASAP!
    We miss you.

  36. Hope you get feeling better soon!! Sending you good thoughts!
    xo Catherine

  37. I am so sorry to hear this, hope it will ease off soon for you. Take it easy and relax. Hugs to you

  38. Hugs and prayers going for you my friend. We all miss you a 100 percent.

    So so sorry to hear this of you.

  39. You just popped into my head so thought I would come over and find out how you are doing. So, so sorry you are in a lot of pain Sandra, and hope it all gets taken care of very fast. Big hug from me but a gentle virtual one! Denise x

  40. Pain Pain go away...leave my friend Sandra alone....I am praying for relief for sorry this has happened. HUGS from Dee

  41. I'm sorry this pain has happened. I will certainly say a prayer for relief from the pain and that you are back blogging and snapping soon! Take care!

  42. I hope you will feel better soon. Miss you and your posts! Take care.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  43. Oh no! And a week later and still no posts which means you're still suffering. You're in our prayers. We miss you.

  44. Sandra I came looking for you ,so very sorry that you have been in so much pain. I see you wrote this post last week. I sure hope the pain has let up and you are on your way to getting better.
    Sending well wishes and a soft caring hug,

  45. Lots of hugs MS...we miss you too and hope and purr you are feeling 100% better today
    Hugs madi and Mom

  46. Oh my goodness, Sandra! I hope you are feeling MUCH better soon as soooo love your imagination and your posts!
