Saturday, June 21, 2014

Random Pic and Thoughts

Random mix by MadSnapper for stirfry... yellow squash, red onions, green peppers with ground turkey, served over brown rice..

I return ink cartridges for recycle at Staples, and receive 2 dollars each. I had 8.00 rewards to spend. I wandered up and down every aisle and found the deal of the day. Wireless keyboard and mouse, regular 69.99 was on sale 50 % off, minus rewards and I paid 27.00 for it...

and I needed one because my other one quit a month ago and I went back to the wired mouse/keyboard. WOO HOO Wireless again

fountain at Heritage park

Can you find the bug on a flower and Bob in the leaves

Leaf Skirt designed for Passion flower by the wind

Moon at Noon in back yard and neighbors bamboo


  1. loved the composition of the last pic! beautiful passion flower, too! found bob's head in between the blooms. :) congrats on the good deal!

  2. Boy, that passion flower is gorgeous! Congrats on your new wireless set. I am wireless here too and I'm not sure I could ever go back.

  3. I have recently bought a wireless mouse and keyboard, how much easier it is, no flex pulling about.
    I found Bob bug not the bug.

  4. I cannot get find Bob or the bug until I have a taste of stir fry...OMW that looks most delicious!! Is it a MS recipe or a BC recipe?
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. PS woohoo on the keyboard too!!!
    I have a one track mind that is currently on Track 1 heading to Stir Fry bliss

  6. I see Bob but not the bug!

    I'm not much one for squash but I think I could eat this dish. Looks pretty good.

  7. The stir fry looks so good. I love cooked onions, especially.
    Great deal on the keyboard!
    Yes, I see Bob's head in the leaves.
    I enjoyed this post/photos a lot. Hope you have a nice, relaxing afternoon.

  8. Hooray for wireless bargain. Dinner looked yummy. Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  9. Congratulations on the wireless keyboard :) And I love that passion flower.

  10. That is definitely a meal I would enjoy. Way to go on the wireless mouse, I love using one. Love the flower photos but no I didn't find anything. I am on my small Toshiba so the photo isn't too big!!!

  11. What a great deal you found!! I loved seeing your 'Blog Spot!'
    I spied Bob right off in the leaves but could not see the bug. Your photos are always so

  12. My favorite photos are of the moon and of the passion flower. That meal looks tasty.

  13. Lovely photos.My favourite is the leaf skirt.

  14. Great deal on the wireless keyboard and mouse! I love it when I find good deals like that! I also love squash and red onions. We aren't much on the peppers. I fry squash, zucchini, carrots, red onion, mushrooms and put it over penne pasta with chicken tenders I make homemade. Sprinkle a little parm on it and it is delish!

  15. Your turkey and squash dish looks amazing! I will make that. Found Bob but found NO BUG! Great pictures!

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  19. love your photos! simply gorgeous. your little office looks so cozy and welcoming. and the header picture is just stunning.


  20. Girl I thought you didn't cook - looks good to me.

  21. Sounds yummy...both the dish and the deal!!!!...:)JP

  22. I love the picture of the passionflower,

  23. Stir fry sounds good. I need to go wireless again. My only problem was the darn batteries always went dead when I didn't have any recharged to replace them.
    I thought I found the bug in the picture, it looked like a little moth to me but it turned out it was Bob in the leaves instead. Never did find the bug

  24. That was a great bargain you found. You have a neat set up there. Love the passion flower and your other random pics.

  25. The passion flower photo is exquisite!

  26. I meant to comment on your good deal: WOW! I LOVE it when you need something and a good price comes along simultaneously! I am on a high when that happens. ;)

  27. what a good those photos...the passion flower is one of my faves...

  28. Fantastic pictures.

    I had to go find something to eat and it wasn't as beautiful as yours.

    I found Bob.

    Great post.

  29. My eyes are bad, but I squinted and squinted and I can't see BOB! That passion flower is gorgeous.

  30. Found Bob but not bug, even after taking my glasses off and getting my nose almost on the screen! Enjoyed pix.

  31. What a bargain you got for your new equipment. I didn't know they do this program.
