Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Shadow Shots Backyard

banana tree

NOTE: this post has been sitting in my drafts since April was spring then.. it is HOT Summer now. we are waking up to 82 degrees.. 

It's spring and our Jungle is calling my name....

So there's these 2 muffins in an oven.

They're both sitting, just chilling and getting baked.

And one of them yells "Holy Smoke, it's hot in here!"

And the other muffin replies "Holy Moly, a talking muffin!"

from my archives

I kid you not, our cardinal sang this song for 17 straight hours one day... from 4 am until bedtime. the same notes. over and over and over...


  1. Good Morning! Love the shadows and ferns. Thanks for the giggle too. Hope you have a nice morning.

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  4. Good gracious that's a whole lot of singing!

  5. Gorgeous photos! I think that's the only song God gave the cardinal, but it's one of my favorite tunes. Have you heard the crows? Lol

  6. It must have been mating and singing his love song all day long. I remember that feeling!

  7. I love your backyard jungle, it's my favorite color! Muffin talk... Hilarious! I guess that cardinal thought you needed a song so he serenaded you!

  8. You make me LOL
    Several years ago my daughter asked me if I'd make some corn muffis when they came to home. I said sure but I don't have a good muffis recipe.
    We still laugh over that
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Lol at least he sang! Love the shadow shots too

  10. I would like those ferns and the banana tree in my garden, but the Cardinal bird might be a bit much if it's making that 'phew phew whistle whistle whistle' song for hours on end. Have a good day!

  11. cute repetitive cardinal. :) love your header photo and the ferns.

  12. I am happy to be back in the "know" as far as posts!
    We are having lovely temps here--mid-70s and most welcome!!

    I have a lot of catching up to do in blogland.


  13. Your shadow shots made me think of my early days of enjoying your posts. I think that must have been four years and I am still enjoying your images, shared thoughts and humor.

  14. You videoed the cardinal singing! And a cute song, could you hear him from inside? Sounds a bit like rap. Perhaps he was really needing a lady bird. As always, I love the sun on the huge leaves and ferns! First favorite today, the cardinal in the flowers, next is the first picture of the shadows on the leaves.

  15. Beautiful! I love the Cardinal song,but after that many hours it would get to be a bit much.

  16. The shadows are spectacular. Makes for such beautiful photos. I hear the cardinals singing around here......maybe he was looking for a mate?

  17. You live in a tropical husband once grew a banana plant in the house here in Wisconsin. I'm glad we had tall ceilings...never saw a banana! I finally made him take it outside...

  18. Sounds pretty humid there. It's been warm but not to hot here lately. Hoping for a little rain this coming week. Everything looks lush and green in your yard. Wow that Cardinal sounded pretty but 17 hours....might get little annoying after awhile.

  19. How did you feel after all that singing that many hours straight?

  20. Fun playing around with shadows and I love your cardinal. I wish we had them in Utah.

  21. The cardinal has a sweet song, I hope his lady friend appreciated it. Your backyard jungle is so pretty with all that green and the shadows.

    Silly muffin!

  22. Poor guy must be lovesick to sing that long!

  23. Not a bad song to listen to but I'm pretty sure after 17 straight hours of it I would have had enough :)

  24. Always enjoy the light and shadows you share. Would love to see a cardinal but they rarely come this far north.

  25. Did you understand what he wanted????...:)JP

  26. I love cardinals great photos!

  27. It's always interesting to see what you have in your back yard. Wow, it is certainly hot over there. WE have some nice sunny weather over here for a change, but it's not as hot as there though, maybe around +20 C or so
