Monday, June 23, 2014

The Otter and The Madsnapper

 This whole juvenile coloring THING started when I accidentally found TheColordotcom and I have no idea how I landed on this site.. I saw the word Animals.. and Paint by clicking and the week end was off to a good start.

This site is perfect for children and MadSnapper, the one who has flipped back to her childhood...

Me being WHO I AM... I was not satisfied and had to take it into PicMonkey

The devout cowboy lost his favorite Bible while he was mending fences out on the range. Three weeks later, a otter walked up to him carrying the Bible in its mouth. The cowboy couldn't believe his eyes. He took the precious book out of the otter's mouth, raised his eyes heavenward and exclaimed, "It's a miracle!" "Not really," said the otter. "Your name is written inside the cover." 


I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not have their motives questions.....unknown

It is ok to groan..... I know this is juvenile, but it IS what I did this week end and don't worry... there is MORE...


  1. I love this! Thanks for my morning smiles.

  2. Can't wait to see what you come up with next. I had a paint by numbers coloring book as kid too, which I liked a lot.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  3. I hate it when my motives are questioned.

  4. Thanks for the giggles Sandra- love your edits on the color pages. I am a closet coloring book fan myself. That's why I loved teaching first grade..give me a box of crayons and a neato coloring book and I can entertain myself for hours.

  5. you're goofy. and you're having fun. :)

  6. OH MY WORD you find the most amazing sites and we thank you for sharing.
    I used to love to color as a child..and of course you had to take it to picmonkey because that is what you do


  7. No groans here, just pure enjoyment, especially the cowboy and otter!

  8. I like #3 and the rooster best. Oh no, now you will be spending too much time on the computer with the new coloring book, don't overdo. Love your trees below, looks like that is the only thing I missed. The very first one is my favorite tree pic!

  9. ha,ha,ha- Your a nut Sandra but i am a second NUT.

  10. Juvenile? Nah, it's good clean fun. I love your coloring pages especially the rooster. Very neat how you added the effect over the otter picture. i even love your jokes

  11. As long as you are having fun then that is all that matters. and when you have fun then do I!

  12. I will head there now and save the link for you know who....:)JP

  13. I love these!

    I've often wondered about hens laying eggs. It must akin to bearing a child ever day. No wonder they cackle.

  14. Hahaha! Thanks for making me smile!

  15. Having one's motives questioned is most insulting. Poor chickens. I love that cute little otter.

  16. I like the otter, he is so cute! Silly cowboy :)
