Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Coccoloba uvifera -Seagrape

These photos are of our Coccoloba uvifera -Seagrape tree. Bob brought home a root with 2 leaves and planted it 25 years ago and now it is about 26 feet tall and takes up about 20 plus feet of the back yard.

Whatever happened to preparations A through G?

So what is the speed of dark?

Why is carrot more orange than an orange?

The tree is supposed to have edible grapes, big pretty purple ones. Ours has never had grapes. I got so excited when I found 4 leaves with the grapes starting. Tiny little pods that opened into tiny flowers and then grapes.. CLICK HERE to see a former post that shows purple grapes in the wild.

The problem is, something has eaten all of them. these are the only ones left.
no idea what ate them, but stripped them to sticks.


  1. Love the leaves on that. What a shame that something ate the leaves. You need one of those motion activated cameras so you can catch the culprit in the act.

  2. Love the shape and color of these leaves. I would love to have grapes in my backyard! My mom and dad tell me about all the wonderful berries, fruits and nuts they had growing in their yard when they were kids.
    Green is son's favorite color and after moving here, with so many trees in my backyard, it's starting to be mine. :)

  3. Whether it has grapes or not, I love it for the looks...love those leaves! I bet it makes nice shade, too.

  4. I've never seen this tree before. I love the leaves. Too bad about something eating the grapes.

  5. I have a strong urge to swing through that magnificent tree while beating my chest and yelling!


  6. Probably those pesky raccoons. So you have never been able to taste one of your own grapes? You must have lots of moisture for sea grapes to thrive in your yard. But then again Bob can make anything grow! Love those big thick shiny round leaves!

  7. wow, sandra!
    great macro shots. such a lovely play of the light and shadow.

    have a nice day!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Love your photos! One year the squirrels ate all the nuts on our pecan trees before they were even ripe enough to fall. It's hard to fight whatever is eating your grapes when you don't know what it is!!

  10. I hope the few grapes make it to maturity so you can have a taste! Beautiful tree!

  11. Your photos are gorgeous Sandra. So lush and vividly green and the light and shadows are magic. I think your varmint had quite a feast whatever it was.

  12. Sandra it is beautiful the leaves are a rounded heart shape.

    Oh we just finished making room in our garage for our Gracie the Highlander...there is a hail storm (they say large hail) predicted for the afternoon....the garage needed organizing but we didn't intend to do it today. We haven't had a car in there for years..Gracie.the Highlander fits like a glove...literally. I looked like an air traffic control directing Bryan into it. Gracie is a big boned girl
    Hugs C

  13. You have such interesting tropical foliage in Florida.
    I never heard of Sea Grapes before.
    Some critter had a buffet on the young pods...
    Thank goodness the temps are down today...I have to get some errands done asap.

  14. Another plant I would never see here. Someone else has their eye on that plant and beat you to the grapes. Maybe next year.

  15. It must have that grape robber, Sandra!!!!...:)JP

  16. Gee..you wait all those years to finally get some grapes and something gets them ahead of you....only you could this happen to. :-/

  17. Too bad something is getting to the grapes first. Those leaves are gorgeous.
    Thanks for the giggles with those jokes. I will be wondering about the speed of dark for awhile. LOL!

  18. The leaves are beautiful, and I love the way the sun is 'playing' on them with the shadows. Great shots

  19. What beautiful leaves. I really like the shape of them and they are such a pretty, shiny green. Sorry about something eating the grapes. Those are good questions I have no answers to. One would think an orange would be the most orange colored of all orange. :) Hugs

  20. Very interesting tree. I thought is was a Fiddle Leaf Fig!

  21. I guess the seagrape LOVES your yard. How special that you've gotten to watch its progress for 25 years.
