Tuesday, July 22, 2014

MadSnapper - Good Morning America

Each morning while I am commenting on all your wonderful blogs, I have Good Morning America running in the background.... that is how this whole post came about. It Seems BIG BUSHY Eyebrows are back IN..,..

I never knew they were OUT, but when I heard this I heaved a big sigh of relief (mine have never been plucked).

The doctors are oh so happy that the STARS have  "over plucked" their eye brows... see below complements of Google Images

I can't believe I did not know this!

 OMG you have to try this. Google Images/stars without eyebrows...

Just so you know This is not Just A Tall Tale.

Now they are PAYING for Eyebrow Transplants...  Angelina paid $8000.00 for these.

THIS IS a LINK to watch the surgery.. I watched on TV and take this warning it is yucky.

After I studied all the STARS with NO eyebrows, I searched for Stars with Big eyebrows and through in  Messy Hair since both  are IN right now....

NOTE: I know this is true because I saw it with mine own eyes on TV...Plus I read it online.. did you doubt me?

In Google Images/ Stars with Big Eyebrows and found this lady who in IN because she has Messy Hair and Big Eyebrows...

Since she looks very much like Me... I had my hair and eyebrows done by PicMonkey and it did NOT cost  $8000.00

We are TWINS... Right? Right? except for the fact MY eyes are green and prettier than hers... I hope she sees this....


  1. It's early and I am laughing out loud - the cats are just looking at me!!!

    I knew that my brows were "going away." I sure don't want to pay to have them put back!!!

  2. Haha. I laughed so loud my deaf dog got up and walked out of the room. This is cute. Love that Florida windblown look you're sporting these days. Oh, and those fabulous brows! Is anyone really having brow transplants???

  3. you are such a NUT! thanks for the laugh, though!

  4. LOL. We heard that silly peoples were paying for eyebrows to be tattooed. Some folk are nuts. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. I did not know this either. But honestly who can keep up with all the trends. There is a new one every month. My sister knows this for sure though :)

    Mersad Donko Photography

  6. Hehehe...I am sure she is green with envy!

  7. Well I am back in my chair after falling on the floor LOLing!! OH DEAR me. I'm glad to hear thick eyebrows are back...since mine never left. I keep them shaped but NEVER felt the need for them to look like I drew them on.

    LOVE LOVE LOVE your PicMonkey photo.
    Hugs cecilia

  8. My energy level: mom says if I get more energy she will need to get an RX diet from her doc to keep up with me. MOL

  9. Heck, I am in trouble, Sandra...I have thin eyebrows...always have. Now the messy head look, I have!...:)JP

  10. Holey Mackerel BAT Man, it's our nemesis BUSHY BROW'S. Quick Robin to the Barber Shop. LOL

  11. AH, Stars do have so many horrible problems, don't they? Good thing they have the money to help them out. I'm proud of you for solving your problem on the cheap.

  12. You do make me laugh! Out loud.

  13. I'm cracking up here. I guess my eyebrows are in now too. I've never plucked them and never had the desire to. But I can tell you that if I had over plucked there is no way that I would ever pay that kind of money for an eyebrow transplant. Stars do some seriously stupid things with their money

  14. Like your picture, your so funny! I always had thick eyebrows and didn't pluck until I was older but they have thinned drastically over the years. I wouldn't mind having a few added. I had my eyebrows waxed twice about 10 years ago I wouldn't recommend it to anybody because they remove all the tiny little hairs that no one ever sees and then those start coming in all around your brows.

  15. Girl, you make me laugh!

    PS. I've not been an eyebrow plucker either. I think I had them cleaned up with a little wax on two occasions and that's it.

  16. I can not stop laughing!!!! My brows are naturally thin just like Mom's and my sister's. You get what God gives ya! Don't worry, Sandra......You look good no matter what!!!!!

  17. You are so funny. I care very little about my brows. Odd that I never look at made up people's faces.
    Yours is hilarious , very up to date

  18. Hee hee you are a hoot. I'm glad about the new style.I have big eyebrows and messy hair but both are white.

  19. Sweet Sandra you are a hoot!! I laughed so hard reading this post. How anyone could be around you and not be smiling, laughing or rolling on the floor most of the time I think would be impossible. Hugs!!!
