Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Dear Proctor and Gamble


Dear Proctor and Gamble, makers of Dawn Dish Detergent,
I have used ONLY dawn for more than 40 years. Not by choice, but by my husbands Choice because he swears that Dawn is the only detergent fit to use. He washes cars, boats, dishes, anything but his body with Dawn. I came to love it and now you have GONE TO FAR!

You now have TWENTY FOUR different types of DAWN on you website.! I have chosen to stay with the Original because it has NO SCENT and Works Well... Last week  came home with a bottle that looked identical but failed to see the yellow tag that said NEW CLEAN SCENT! I poured the first drops into my dishpan, yes, dishpan, I HAVE NO DISHWASHER and am in fact The Dishwasher. 

Every single one of my Scent Sensitivities kicked in, and my husband yelled from in front of the TV, what is wrong with you?  I may have said, D#@%$% Dawn has added SCENT to the bottle.  In case you don't know what it did to me, here is the list.
A ticklish feeling in your nose
A raw or burning sensation in the nasal passages
Watery, itchy, or red eyes
A dry cough
Nasal congestion
I Paid $4.44 for that bottle of Dawn, it used to be 99 cents, and drove it to my friend Jackie's house and gave it to her. I stopped by Dollar General to buy a bottle, and was told by the manager ALL THEY HAD COME In was the New Clean Scent.  I drove to Walmart and they had 10 different bottles, none of which were original scent. I searched until I found the bottle below which is so big and heavy I can't lift it with my arthritic hands, and it cost $9.99. I had to put it in a small OLD bottle so I can do dishes without injury.  

I have decided to bill you for the gas I spent going to the store and my friends house to get this bottle that doesn't make me sick. 

PS: I did find out why there is no original Dawn at WM and DG, when I checked Amazon and they have all the bottle of originals in every size and NONE of the clean scent.
PSS: in Florida we have oil spills and we wash the oil covered seabirds with Dawn and it does remove the oil. Can you imagine how they will feel when they are hacking and coughing due to PERFUME in Dish Soap?

No love from Scent Sensitive Sandra


  1. This is exactly what I use, also the unscented. I have not noticed the new scents. But I have noticed the different types now, like Powerwash and Platinum. They have gone mad with power!! Maybe order it from Amazon from now on.

  2. I'm so sorry about your reaction. Hurray for Amazon if they still have the unscented. I hate all the options most products have nowadays. 🙁

  3. I hate that companies feel the need to mess with a good thing. I actually use the Walmart brand of dawn. That's because I'm cheap.

  4. Oh forgot to say I know exactly what you went through with the scent. Not all scents do it to me but when they do that's exactly what happens to me.

  5. Any perfumed product such as washing up liquid, fabric conditioner irritates my nose and eyes including scents that people spray on themselves. It is difficult to find unscented products so I wholeheartedly sympathise with you.

  6. Dove is what we use too. I would prefer the original scent-free bottle.
    I do not know why they have to go and change things, just stick to the original product! Take care, have a great day!

  7. That's a nightmare. Also, though, since you're the dishwasher, I vote you get the brand of dish soap that YOU want. For me, I won't wash dish with Dawn. It's got too much crap in it and I hate the smell. It does work well on paint brushes. For dish, hard pass. Hope you find a better brand that works better for you.

  8. Hari Om
    I never use any soap on dishes... if something is particularly greasy, I use lime juice and salt - or vinegar - or baking soda... whichever is handiest for that particular job. I'm with you on scents, though; laundry liquid/powder is my bugbear. Now, folk are adding stuff that actually adds scent to their laundry. WHY??? YAM xx

  9. With all the scent sensitivity that is out there I am beginning to wonder whether a couple of generations of industrial perfumes have taken their toll on humanity. I can't understand why some people cave into manufacturers of such horrendous artificial and buy into such rubbish. The selling point I see in TV ads these days is that not only do they make the 'freshest' smell ever but they can make it last all day too.... Now your colleague's 'freshly laundered' shirt can torture you until going home time.

  10. I am the dishwasher in our house and I use Pamolive. Why? I have no idea. I just reach for the Palmolive on the store shelf because it looks familiar, I suppose. I don’t even know whether it is scented or not. We also have a dishwasher, but we use it sparingly, usually after we have had company for dinner when there are far more dishes than those used just by the two of us. The other day, actually, someone asked me if I enjoy doing the dishes. I neither enjoy nor resent doing them. It’s something that has to be done, so I do it. A couple of times a year I take everything out of the drawers and cupboards in the kitchen and wash everything down inside and put everything back. For some perverse reason, I get satisfaction from that. I wipe down the counters, the stove and fridge, daily, and sweep the kitchen floor about three times a week. I make lunch every day, and dinner about half the time. There you have my whole kitchen adventures!

  11. I have used dawn for years. But every now and then palmolive...but dawn is best I think.

  12. I agree why in the world does any detergent need a fragrance? Or the dry statid sheets. My neighbor uses one that is so strong (her dryer vent to outside in on my side of her house) the nasty fragrance comes all the way over here.
    Hugs Cecilia

  13. What a bunch of idiots at P&G. We use the original too and we'll be on the look out for the stinky ones.

  14. I'm so glad you hooked me up with Dawn years ago. (I'd been buying Palmolive for years because I liked the orange liquid, lol)
    This just prompted me to run to the cupboard and check the label on ours ... whew! No sissy additives. Scents don't usually bother me, but I feel for those of you -- like my DIL -- who are. The suffering's real!

  15. I’ve used unscented Dawn since I personally participated in an oil spill cleanup as a teen. That stuff is amazing! I will for sure, double check when it’s time to buy again!

  16. Why is it they never leave well enough alone??? Sheesh!

  17. I'm right there with the rest of the blogger friends. Why mess with a good thing? I use Dawn too and unscented is the best.
    Think I will have to remember Amazon for future purchases of soap.
    Sorry you are so sensitive to so many things.

  18. Mm uses Dawn a lot too, although her first choice for dishes is Palmolive. The Dawn does the best job on the heavily soiled pans, and there are so many other things she uses Dawn for. We aren't sure if ours is scented or not - she just gets whatever is onsale.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  19. I always use unscented products as well (cleaning products, hygiene products, whatever) and totally understand your irritation with them for not marking the bottles better.

  20. I am so sorry to read this. What a hassle that was for you but I'm glad that you did finally find some. Sorry it gave you those side effects.

  21. You are very sensitive girl - are you really going to write them? I hate when I use a product that I love forever - they either discontinue it - or change it - and you can't get it back. I hate to say but I bet Amazon will be changing too. You went to a lot of work there!!!!!!!!!!

  22. Good letter. I use the unscented soaps too and for the very same reason PLUS these artificial smells are atrocious. I have a SIL that reeks of nasty "scents". Guess I'm gonna have to ask her to not come around until she has a good wash *sans* the odors.

  23. Sandra, please do let us know if and when you receive a response from the company and hopefully it will not be coupons for more of the same new scent. And, yes, I would also complain.

  24. Oh my goodness, we use this exact one. We get the big bottle from Costco.
