Saturday, April 20, 2024



Volcano Cancer, she said Whoaaaaaa when she walked in the door. the cancer was as big as a dime, much worse than the one above that I found on line. her eyes went to it like a magnet. she said that is a volcano cancer, Keratoacanthoma.. they call it that because one day it is not there, and suddenly there is a small scaly spot, and Boom it blows up into a volcano, and they are really painful. I said tell me about it

since it is on my shin bone, I chose to watch what she did. She circled it, added 4 X marks and took an electric scapel that made no sound, had no blade, just like the one at the top of the row below. It looked like a crooked pencil, it sliced that puppy out in 10 seconds flat. I felt nothing, except the needle when id sprayed the wonder drug that kills all feeling into the leg. She warned that shins bleed a lot and asked if I knew how to hold pressure. Yes I do, I was a CNA in Dialysis unit for a year way back when.

The good news is, I have had no pain, it did not bleed, except on the bandage and and now I wait and hope she got it all so I don't have to do this again. I am allergic to adhesive, and the itch from the bandage was the only thing that bothered me. I happen to remember another surgery, they slid a stretch bandage over it and gave me the rest of the roll. 

Keratoacanthoma AKA Volcano Cancer. It is in the family of carcinomas LINK here shows photos of this volcano if you want to know what to look for. if you hate ugly things do not click the link


  1. Wait, this is about YOU? I did not know you worked in a dialysis unit! So what caused this? That scalpel is wild, like science fiction. Does it have stages? Will it not come back now?

  2. My 94 year old father in law had a few on his arms and face that looked exactly like that. He wouldn’t let the doctors remove them after awhile. He just got to the point when he was just tired of being messed with.

    I’m allergic to adhesive as well as one of my sons. After surgery, the rash from the adhesive hurts worse than the boo boo! lol
    I now use bamboo bandages.

  3. How scary, but I'm glad it didn't hurt. I won't click on that link but it's good to know if something balloons that fast to run to the ER or Urgent Care. You've done a public service. ❤️

  4. Hello,
    That sounds scary! I am glad it did not hurt.
    I have never heard of Volcano Cancer, I will have to google that.
    Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend.

  5. I have never heard of this before. I'm glad that they were able to easily remove it and it didn't hurt.
    I'm with Ginny. I didn't know you worked in a dialysis unit either.

  6. Hari OM
    I had one on my forehead, right at the hairline. It came off... sadly, not all caught, so a second procedure required. Looked like I had had a left-side facelift for a while! No trouble since. YAM xx

  7. I hope it is all gone and that you never have another one.

  8. It’s great that it was removed so painlessly. And thank goodness it was caught in time. I had a couple of moles I was concerned about but I was assured they are merely “the barnacles of life.”

  9. Oh my goodness. I hope it's all gone. Sending big huggs.❤️

  10. I hadn't heard of that one either and hooray for a great and pain-free removal. Thanks for telling us what to watch for.

  11. WHOA indeeed. Thank goodness for excellent dermatology care. It looks a lot like what I had removed in March.
    Thankful you find a way to bandage it w/o irritation.
    I'm still using a 2" x 4" bandage with aquapour at night and a smaller one during the day. I have to wash it (by hand) with antibacterial soap each night before I put the big bandage on it.

    I thoroughly enjoyed your Nature Friday
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. I am so sorry girlfriend -but I am so thrilled you found it and had it taken off. Skin cancers at our age are so frequent and I am glad you get it checked out. I hope she did get all of it.

    I have had two removals the last two weeks - one sounded exactly like yours - came over night - he took it off and it is psoriasis. Not great, but I guess in the scheme of things. One on the side of my leg - almost a melanoma - but not quite - and they did surgery on it with stitches but did get it all out - clear margins.

    That is what I wish for you! That looked bad. I am allergic to latex and they do have non latex bandages at Publix - not too expensive.

  13. Oh my WORD, Sandra, I saw this exact thing on a silent TikTok video last night. I couldn't make out what it was but I saw the scalpel too. Are YOU OK? And good on you for doing a public service in a dialysis unit. Thank you for always commenting on my posts. I'm trying to blog hop and visit all my dear friends this evening. Take care of yourself, dear Sandra.

  14. I don't think I ever heard of this before. Glad you got i removed, and I hope it will stay away!!

    I had something looking a little bit similar "popping up" once (years ago), it was on my neck below my ear... A primary health care dr agreed with me it did not look good and sent me on, but at the hospital they said it was benign (but removed it by "freezing"). It has not returned. (I had almost forgotten about that but remembered it now that I read your post.)

  15. Praise God you got that taken care of - I hope and pray she got it all so you're done!

  16. Wowzers..thankful that the Doctor got it taken care of and that it didn't really hurt. Praying she got it all.
    Thanks for all of the info. on what to look for. Cancer sucks in any form!!
    Thanks also for your email. I just had to vent and now move on...

  17. Oh my! That's not nice at all! Glad you got it taken care of immediately! I have never heard of that before, but you can bet I will be watching out for them from now on! Living in Florida for most of my life, anything is possible... Thank you for the info. It's all good to know.

  18. What a fright you've given us! Rather, it would have been, had you not shared the REST of the story. Did you just notice it out of the blue -- or when it began to hurt? I'm so thankful the doc was able to see you sooner v. later. The body human is a fascinating thing, but scary, too. What if you had just ignored it -- or tried to pick it off yourself? Yikes!
    You can bet I'm going to be more vigilant, starting now!

  19. Hi Sandra :=)
    I have just read all the comments so there is not a lot I can add as I think it's all been said, so I'm going to have to say like everyone I am SO glad you had the offending sore removed painlessly and quickly. I think you know I had a Carcinoma removed last month, and it was also a painless procedure, and so far so good. Fingers crossed for you that it was all removed.
    All the best.

  20. The Volcano Cancer does look awful! Yipes! I'm glad the doc removed it so easily. I just went to my dermatologist this past week. I had two pre-cancerous spots on my face. He "nuked" 'em with that freeze spray. Now I look all spotty. Ugh. LOL Guess I'll have to wear makeup tomorrow to Church because I'm supposed to sing in front of the congregation.
    Get well soon!

  21. We hope the procedure was a one and ndone. That is one ugly volcano. Never hear of it before either.

  22. This is very interesting. I'm glad you got that taken care of a pray that she got all of it. I have a spot on my arm and it's a 3 month wait to see the dermatologist but my appointment is finally coming up in May. He will not be able to do anything with it at that time because I will have to be off my blood thinner.

  23. Oh wow, glad you got that taken care of. Never heard of this one before. Thanks for the pic and the link. Best to be aware of such things and how they look than not.
