Monday, April 22, 2024

Kitchen ART? or not!

 While email chatting with blogger friend Ann, I said I don't think there is an item in this house that I have not taken photos of..  After I sent the email I thought, KITCHEN DRAWER, utensils, forks, spoons, knifes. I quickly searched with Google for fork/spoon art. Wow, try it. 

I quickly snapped 10 photos in 5 minutes and played in PicMonkey for two hours. 

The rest of this is just what I did, I will show photo first, what I did to it. 

photo with Insta Toon App

Used PicMonkey to edit these two

photo cell phone

PicMonkey creation

PicMonkey edit

PicMonkey Creation

PicMonkey Creation

Two Photos taken with cell, edits in PicMonkey above and below

I am going to attempt Kitchen ART with no edits soon


  1. What a great post! Thank you. 😊

  2. The second one with all the blue is my favorite. You are now The Cutlery Queen.

  3. I love these. They're totally awesome. You could sell these as prints for people to hang on their kitchen walls. I still haven't tried this but I will get to it.

  4. I cannot believe you took these items and made something I would enjoy looking at daily.

  5. When I went on a photography course we were encouraged to photograph everyday objects in the kitchen for homework and then show the photos to the group. You've created some interesting, arty and trendy pics Sandra. Have a good day!

  6. I must say I have never even considered taking pictures of my kitchen utensils. I doubt that I will - but never say never. We spent yesterday on the Canadian Shield - beautiful country with spring ephemerals dotting the forest floor. There we took pictures!

  7. This was so fun and clever! You have a good eye for making ordinary things come to life! I do need to find a better photo editor since I lost my Picasa program. I'm still just using a basic editor that comes with the computer, and it is very limited. I just don't want to spend money on anything. But you are inspiring me to do something about this. Thank you!! This was fun! I will never look at my kitchen utensils the same way again! LOL.

  8. Those were fun to look through! I love how much fun you have with pictures.

  9. You're the Master of "perfectly ordinary objects", Sandra... :)

  10. Art really is everywhere and you found it!

  11. BOL BOL The saying around here is if you stay still too long you WILL appear on the blog.
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. You are indeed a madsnapper! Love it.

  13. Fun to play and fun to see the results. You did a great job on these!

  14. How fun!!
    I like the "Drama" in some of them and I especially like the final one with your statue and the forks lined up.

  15. Neat. Speaking of making art with kitchen utensils, I like those statues and the like that some make from metal silverware. They are cool. I look at it and see junk. Y'all look at it and see something creative. I wish I had that talent.

  16. ..and there you go. The best kitchen drawer art I have ever seen!

  17. Woot!!! You've the greatest imagination ... and knack for making ordinary 'stuff' look extraordinary.

    I can totally see it now ... "Coming soon to an art gallery near you!". (Seriously, these look just as good as -- if not better -- than some of the 'stuff' high-hatters consider fine art.)

  18. Who knew that such beautiful art could come from such simple utensils!!! Nice job.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  19. You certainly do find new and creative ways to look at mist things, Sandra, and thanks for showing the rest of us. I don’t think you should ever be concerned about not keeping your brain and mind active as you do exercise it daily😀

  20. Those came out nice, I like them, but I like your original photos too!

  21. Hello Sandra:=)
    Who knew kitchen utensils could look this good!! Your imagination knows no bounds. Well done!

  22. And here they are, works of art!
