Monday, April 29, 2024

Something New This Way Comes!


Quick! can you guess the answers now? before reading them?

CLUE # 2
I have a NEW iPad, Generation 9 ! My first ever new Apple Product. I do own the iPhone 7 above, which was a gift from a friend, when she got her new phone. It has been 18 joyous months since she gifted me her pre-used iPhone to use as a camera and also as a mini Wi-Fi computer.  (you may remember my excitement).
April 25th I received an email from her stating she had ordered an iPad, and Amazon would deliver it the next day. It turns out she was concerned because I did not post or read blogs, due to the fact I had to prop up my legs due to varicose veins and a skin cancer removal on top of one of the veins. She decided I needed and iPad to use in bed. In other words, she was assuring the MadSnapper would be In Business sharing my brilliant mind with one and all.... Now I have NO EXCUSE! 

In my PRIOR POST yesterday, I asked this question. Can you guess what I am doing? Laying in Bed Where I am? In my bedroom. Why am I doing it? TEST run on propped up in bed with legs up on pillow, Playing with my new IPAD.

NOW you know the answers and Boy Do I Have Things to tell you...So Many it will take a dozen Posts. Maybe as many as to show you houses, HA HA... I do solemnly promise NOT that many and not all in one week.


  1. I am SO happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I would not mind more, and will enjoy hearing about all! Your friend is providing entertainment for us all.

  3. Hari OM
    Yay for generous and thoughtful friends! YAM xx

  4. A generous and thoughtful gift, and you are demonstrably delighted.

  5. What a wonderful gift. This will not only keep you in business but will entertain you for endless hours learning all the new things you can do. Have fun

  6. Lucky you,Sandra, to have such a caring, thoughtful and very generous friend. Your new tablet is sure to keep you and us as well entertained. I hope the bed rest helped.

  7. I LOVE MY iPad...x 1000000. I am on my 3rd, just recently bought a Gen 9
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Aw, her's so purdy!
    I'm absolutely delighted for you. Keep 'em coming! (The pictures and clues, I mean.)

  9. Wow what a nice friend! Happy for you.

  10. There is no stopping you know girl!!! I am so very, very happy for you. You will have loads of fun.

  11. are blessed beyond measure.
    What a fabulous gift and we can expect some amazing pots from you now as you are in bed propping up your legs. Glad the legs are feeling better.
    I'm feeling better too. So over feeling lousy. I may even pull a weed or two!! Then taking more product photos for eBay selling..its never ending but a sale now and then sure helps.
    Take care and happy house snapping.

  12. HaHa I just reread my comment..I think I meant posts NOT "pots".
    That's what I get for not proof reading before I hit publish..

  13. Okay..where did my original post go?
    My brain is fried..

  14. Congratulations on having such a generous friend! I never had an Apple device of any kind, but find my (Android) tablet very useful too.

  15. Wonderful and congratulations! Such a sweet friend! Look forward to all the stories.

  16. Hope you're feeling better now too.

  17. WOW! That is so exciting. I am so happy for you. Now you can play around even more. Enjoy!!!

  18. So glad you are keeping on keeping on! I am still mostly absent on blogging but doc visits and strong tendencies to check out library books and read, read, read seem to trump turning on my computer!

  19. What a kind and thoughtful and generous friend!!! Mom loves all her Apple products. The iPad is very convenient for travel She got a mani/pedi this afternoon and used her iPad to watch some Netflix while she was being pampered.


    Woos - Misty and Timber

  20. Wahoo!!! Congratulations, and I can't wait to see all the fun things you do with it!

  21. That is super cool and super wonderful!!!!

  22. Your friend was so kind and generous. This will meet some needs. Makes life more entertaining the iPad.
    Varicose veins with cancer on them, too. That is just wrong. so sorry. I had varicose veins with my 3rd baby, which became thrombophlebitis.. The blood clots were following the birth. I was in hospital for two weeks, and then 4 weeks in bed rest with my leg kept straight on the couch.

  23. Wonderful new toy. I love blogging from my Samsung tablet. I can write from hand, and it converts totext,like I'm doing now, or use my wireless keyboard or even, the on-screen keyboard. Crazy fun. Enjoy.

  24. Congrats on your new Ipad. It is nice and convenient to blog from your bed.
    I hope all is well. Take care, have a great day!
