Sunday, April 7, 2024

Village of the Arts has sidewalks


The good thing about The Village of the Arts, is there are sidewalks and walking past we can see details of murals on the walls. The website for the Village has a list of artists, shops and much more. I missed the March 16th festival. 

THIS IS THE LAST OF THE Village Photos from March.... I heard you heave that sigh of relief.

this is 12th Street which is the main street of the village. A pleasant place to walk. All shops have different hours. There are restaurants if you get hungry. It is empty because we were there at 9 am, they are NOT early risers.
In 1991 I sold the house on the corner of 12th St West and 12 Ave West, to a man from up north. We were not supposed to say anything to buyers about the safety of the neighborhood. He was a retiree and I did it anyway and said, this is NOT a neighborhood I would live in. He said, we love the house and we will change the neighborhood. 

this is Google map snip of 12th ave West and 12th Street West. If you click here you can take a sunday drive down the streets on Google Maps
I sold it to him in 1991 he sold it in 2013. he lived there for 22 years and lived to see the neighborhood change. if on the market now, it would be listed just over 200,000. 


  1. What a story! I love the bird mural!!

  2. That is so interesting! I like the mural too.

  3. Love that mural on the side of the house. That's awesome that the man you sold to saw the change in the neighborhood.

  4. Hari Om
    What a great memory to have and connection by degrees to the neighborhood. YAM xx

  5. I like the bird mural, but I am not sure I would want it on my house.
    What a great memory, it is nice knowing that the man could change the neighborhood. Take care, have a great day!

  6. It’s great that you have such a personal connection to the area.

  7. I love that is great that the neighborhood changed.

  8. What a wonderful attitude and outlook the man had
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. I love the attitude of the man that you sold the house to. Be the Change!
    Love the Art Village and it would really be fun to roam the area.
    At last we are having nicer weather.
    Church this morning and perhaps a bit of weed pulling this afternoon...or maybe not.. we'll see how the day goes. (:0)

  10. I love that you warned him even though you weren't allowed. That's just silly to me. Now, online houses show water threat, other things. It's interesting. Love that he live there long enough to see the change. Do you miss selling houses?

  11. I do like the mural on that house. That is interesting about the house you sold and he did live in it for a number of years. Looks like it was a nice area. What wasn't safe about it?

  12. I did not sigh ... honestly, that was a burp. *giggle* The murals are cute. I would do that if I had artistic talent. Blessings.

  13. Are you saying that you owned that house in the art area and the man you sold it to changed the area to the art section? AWESOME!

  14. I'm in love with that mural! Glad to hear you tried to warn that prospective buyer about the neighborhood; at least your conscience was clear. Years ago I knew of a young couple whose real estate agent sold them a property in a sketchy area. Not a year later they were moaning, "Why didn't someone tell us?"

    These days I'd caution people to find an apartment to rent for 6 months while they learned the lay of the land for themselves.

  15. Hi Sandra :=)
    I didn't sigh a sigh of relieve, I'm interested in this area and other houses. I used to pretend I was interested in a house and go with a friend just to see it inside, We saw many houses this way and it was an eye opener, Some houses look so nice from the outside but inside it's a different story. I appreciate you telling the prospective buyer that the neighbourhood wasn't safe, and he bought the house anyway and undertook to change the neighbourhood, and he did.

  16. I’m glad you warned the fellow and that it turned out great for him. That was the right thing to do. Thank you for the tour!

  17. I love to see people willing to take the risk to make changes in the neighborhoods and realize that something good can come out of it if you try and are patient. Looks like it paid off for that man. The mural is interesting, but I don't think I'd want it on my house! But to each his own!
