Thursday, May 23, 2024

Cancer Update


The Appt with dermatologist has come and gone! I am shouting Hallelujah!
No cutting, because of where it is, on the middle of the shin bone, and how big it is, she shot it full of Chemo and sent me home. She said it should be gone in 2 weeks and I go back for her to check it in 3. She said if the chemo doesn't work, we will DISCUSS options. 
Please pray with me there will be no discussion and this little squamous carcinoma keratoacanthoma, also called Volcano Cancer, will be gone when i go back on June 11. 
thanks for all your prayers.  No cuts, no blood, no bandages, no sleepless nights. She said the only side effect might be red skin. 🤞🤞🤞 
My shoulder is better, I just have to watch the time I am online for a while... I don't have to type to create, I have about 8 in drafts. 
Garage Band is on HOLD... I feel stupid and trying to prove I am not will ruin my shoulder. But I can


  1. Hurray! Fingers crossed the chemo works and you will be done. I've been thinking of you a lot.

    And hurray for options in our playing! ❤️

  2. I am praying that the chemo works! It is so good that you only need one or two days to get your shoulder better.

  3. I’m praying for you also and glad your shoulder is feeling better.

  4. That's awesome that there was no surgery. Sending prayers that the chemo shot works and no other options will be necessary.

  5. Let’s hope the chemo works without nasty side effects too.,

  6. I so hope the chemo does the trick..

  7. Hari OM
    I add my good wishes and prayers for the volcano to die back! YAM xx

  8. Sending prayers and well wishes, I hope your treatment worked and all is well!
    Take good care of yourself, have a great day and happy weekend.

  9. I have so got my fingers crossed for your chemo; cutting and stitches in the shin are the least favorable option if others exist that are effective. You will love this - I fell off an old-fashioned fridge in my late teens (using it to reach the top kitchen cupboards to paint them) - the kind with the levering door handle that pulled out to release the latch. The handle gouged my shin. Messy (very messy). Blood everywhere. Me on my own (way out in the countryside) had to wrap my leg in a tea towel, apply pressure, and crawl to a phone to call for help. Fortunately the local doctor lived further out on our 'no exit' road and had to pass my place to get into the surgery so picked me up. While I waited, I and my kitten (Ben) eyed each other as I worried that he might lick up the blood. Not sure why I worried unless I thought it might give him a taste for human blood!🙄 I needn't have worried. Once he had sized things up and realized I was not crawling anywhere else, he retreated to my pullover, curled up and made himself comfortable, and went to sleep - something I would never have allowed him to do if I was able to chase him off. I still have that scar and part of my leg still has no nerves/feeling in it from that injury (about 45 years ago). Ben was a quirky cat worth remarking on - maybe I'll do a post on him sometime.

  10. Prayers for your healing too! May the chemo work and you can move on to better things.

  11. That is really good news and we're all sending prayers that this is the end of it!!!

  12. What a great alternative to cutting ... I'm so happy for you! And yes, I'm lifting my prayers right now that injection ko's any remaining cells.
    I hope you're able to rest and relax this weekend.

  13. Adding my prayers to everyone else's prayers. Praying for n side effects, complete healing and you will be done with just some red skin to show what you had going on.
    Take it easy and glad you can still doodle.
    Got your email and will respond later. Doing an early shift at Lynne's. Hopefully I don't have to do too much since my hip muscle still makes me gimpy. I am so thankful it is so much better though. I slept well and was able to turn over without too much trouble.

  14. Hip hip hooray MS.
    Sending all kinds of paswitive vibes and prayers for this to banish it once and for all.

    The mosaic of Madi isn't new. Ramona made it about 8 years ago. I posted way back it has been a while.
    Hugs Cecilia

  15. That is wonderful news and I am praying for it to be gone. Glad to hear that your shoulder is doing better. Take care.

  16. So happy for your excellent report! That is great news! Now just try to behave yourself and not overdo it on the computer. I know it is hard to stay away, but shoulder/arm pain is real when trying to type, etc. and do most anything. I know, I've had to deal with that in both arms, thankfully one at a time. Just take are and God bless you real good.

  17. I have been thinking and worrying about you. NOW I HOPE AND PRAY THE CHEMO SHOT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    No surgery. It is amazing what they can do now isn't it?
    Sandra rest your shoulders a little more often.
    When do you go back to the dermatologist?
