Thursday, June 27, 2024

Powder puff in a bucket

Bob and I are no longer able to dig holes with a shovel, the ground is hard as a brick and is full of
tiny roots... the volunteer plant found in the back yard, went in a big pot.
First year in the pot, the white bugs ate all the leaves.
I thought it was dead. 
the leaves came back, I sprayed with Seven and for 2 weeks have been giving it the secret formula.
Fill left over coffee in coffee pot to top with water and I give it a pot 3 times a week.
 the alternate days , the 3 pots of ferns get the pot and wow do they all love their
Coffee Break.   I am thankful I found a way to save the tree 

I am thankful that my memory is better these days.
My last doc visit, my Thyroid was the only red thing on the blood lab report.
She asked me how I was taking the pill, that something was wrong for it to just change that quickly.

Her instructions were to keep the thyroid pill by the bed, with a glass of water and any time after 1:30 am that I woke up to take it and ALWAYS wait 1 hour before I took my BP pill or had anything other pill or drink than water. 
I was doing the 30 minute wait and taking BP at same time which worked for 15 or 20 years. that said. I followed instructions and now my focus is back, of course I still have the crazy normal things that age causes but my focus that was causing Anxiety is gone. She also changed my hormone cream to twice a week instead of once.. 
Below is of course ME, showing you the bright pink sticky note that said 
INR 3:50 pm (finger tip prick) for blood thinner.
Bob always gets his coumadin check at 8:30 am once a month. they changed it to PM and we NEVER leave home after 1 pm...
 I just knew I would forget it. I had pink notes in kitchen, bath and computer room.I am thankful we got there at the right time

Joining Brian's Home- Forever for Thankful thursday


  1. HURRAH!!!! I am so glad you are doing better, I have been praying about it. And you look beautiful in the pic!

  2. how good that you can share such fab news...potp and hugs to you...

  3. Hurray that the doctor found the problem and that you are feeling so much better!

  4. The powder puff plant is looking good. WE have them growing in the village gardens. We don't have to garden anymore but many residents do look after their gardens. Glad that you are feeling better. Clever doctor.

  5. Hari Om
    Praise raised for your positive post today!!! YAM xx

  6. The powder puff looks awesome. I wish coffee perked me up that much.
    Glad you have the memory issue figured out and you're feeling better.

  7. This is proof positive that coffee is good for everything and that the world cannot survive without sticky notes!

  8. Your powder puff does look beautiful. I heard coffee grinds are good for plants? I am glad the doctor helped you and you are doing better now.
    Pretty selfie shot! Take care. have a great day!

  9. I am happy for you that that was all you needed to do. I bet a high relief for you...

  10. Very very wonderful thankfuls!!!
    WE don't dig either. We have all potted plants.
    Hugs cecilia

  11. We've a bush (unknown origin) that appears to be circling the drain, so I'm going to try your "secret formula."
    Come to think of it, I wonder if the pothos wouldn't enjoy it, too.
    So glad your doc seems to have caught the thyroid culprit. I've only waited 30 minutes, and believed I had to be standing/sitting up. Wow.

  12. Your loyal band are all so happy! I had no idea how taking medicine the right way is important. I have never looked mine up and just kind of throw them in together. Not on thyroid yet. I am sooooooooooooo happy for you girl.

  13. LOL to the pink notes - MiL's house is full of them. Mr B's sister rather overdoes the pink notes to the extent that MiL doesn't read any of them (nor do any of the carers). Sis can't focus on just one thing at a time so she makes it impossible for anyone else to focus either, and it is like pink note confetti over there! Glad yours worked for you and good to hear YOUR focus is back.

  14. Seven is great stuff, isn't it?! I've used the coffee grounds for around plants. They really like their coffee. lol I wish Powder Puff would grow here but our winters can be really cold. Tropical plants won't survive.
    And super cool about the health report! That made me smile too. I'm so thankful you're better. Our thyroid's sure can mess things up. I have an underactive thyroid and must have the NP Thyroid once a day. The insurance company has been trying to kill me by not covering the costs (they're trying to force me to take Synthroid which doesn't work for me). God supplies and I can buy it every time I need to replenish my stock. God is good.
    Have a glorious day! 💙

  15. I'm so thankful you are feeling better and remembering more!!

  16. That is very interesting. Mark takes his thyroid pill about 3 am if he gets up to pee. Glad you found that out. He also has a blood pressure pill but takes that later in the morning with his coffee.

  17. Awesome news on the memory. Who would think such a small change could help so much!!! Thanks for the tip on the coffee. Mom's Grandma always put coffee grains in her pots. But yours sounds easier and cleaner.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  18. That was a good save with the tree! Funny how a little tweek with the meds can make a difference and I'm so glad you are feeling better!

  19. Oops, I forgot to say thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  20. Bless you heart! I want everything to work together to make me run right. Sounds like your dr. is on top of it all.

  21. You really DO look great, Sandra!
    I had no clue about coffee on plants but I always toss what's left in my cup in the flower bed every morning!
    I take thyroid medication but I am able to take all my pills together at the same time - except the night ones. Hope that doesn't change!

  22. That's very good news, am happy you are doing better/ Taking meds at the right time and with the right thing can be a challenge. Sticky notes are great reminders. I have heard about coffee grounds for plants. I'll have to try them as mine are looking a bit wilted. Might be the heat too, or am I overwatering? I don't know.
