Monday, June 3, 2024

Trashy POO (perfectly ordinary objects)


This tractor and another like it, and the bike down at the bottom of the photos, looks like POO and it is.
TRASH! all taken from the curb at the neighbors house, YEARS ago, maybe 15 or more.
They were Bob's next project, to get them running again and use them...
Each time I suggest we call a junk man to come get them it causes
an Explosion... At least the weeds that want to take over our house seem to like them

POO, another word for TRASH ART


  1. I'm so sorry that Bob clings to them. 🙁

  2. good morning... it seems mark found his the twin... everybuddy has a twin on the world ... we have a museum of (F)-art too ;o)

  3. Laughing at easy's comment.

  4. Hari OM
    While I sympathise with your desire to get the yard rid of this stuff... it is rather rustically appealing, in an artistic way... YAM xx

  5. Hello,
    I would want them gone too, the weeds do have a place to attach and grow.
    15 years is a long time just to be sitting there. Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.

  6. Sometimes you have to call junk what it is - and there’s a place for junk, generally not the backyard!

  7. My daughters husband is like Bob. He's always dragging stuff home. Apparently he takes all kind of metal stuff but he does take it to a recycling place eventually. My daughter said as long as she can't see it she doesn't
    It would make me crazy having that stuff sit there. I will say though that the weeds in the bike tire has a very appealing artsy look to it.

  8. shhhhhh:whispering:::::
    Don't tell my neighber but dag blasted his fence is sprouting very similar vines with thick stems. The are coming over into our side of his fence trying to attach to our trees...when the neighbors go to work I take my handy dandy hand saw out there. After 3 sawings I have it in 3 sections. Got all away from out area and the remainder fell down behind his shed.
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Maybe put a pot of flowers on the seat of the mower and call it "yard art"? LOL

    Boys never like getting rid of their toys, do they??

  10. Can you get rid of it without telling Bob?

  11. Definitely Trash Art!

    I love it..every one of them.


  12. Gosh, your first image looks like someone deliberately painted/decorated that tractor! Whatever the reason, it does look artistic.
    If you want to throw it all in the back of his truck, y'all can add it to our 'pile.' The fellow who does our trees has a son trying to make a few extra bucks, so Tom talked to him and said, "Yes, I'll call you next week." Unfortunately, he never called the kid back and now I'm totally embarrassed.

    PS - I don't know what's going on with Blogger, but this post isn't showing up in my reader.

  13. Maybe that tractor needs a flower pot on the seat:). Then it would really qualify as yard art.

    Woos - Misty and timber

  14. HA! I got me some trash art here too!

  15. The weeds/plants growing around them make them look like art.
