Friday, July 12, 2024



Tradescantia spathacea AKA Moses-in-the-cradle, Oyster Plant

The Pothos I pulled from the back yard, wilted and was very unhappy in the bright sun. This pretty purple plant is all over the yard, here and there, and was growing under one of Bob's junk piles just a few feet from the stump.  It is cuddling with Mexican Heather now.
I yanked it up and threw the Pothos in the trash bin and stuck it here. It's beautiful and it grows here like a weed and is beautiful year-round. You can read the wonders and odd things about it HERE . this plant is poisonous, and is also used in Asia and Mexico as many different medicines. Read All About it at the link.. It really is interesting.

If I had the energy, I could gather up a lot of throw out planters, run around the yard yanking up about 6 different plants, and put them out by the curb and the tourists/winter residents would buy them.  When we moved here we bought many of our plants/trees from a neighbor 2 blocks over that did that. He turned his entire back yard into a Florida Plant nursery and did really well selling to people in the neighborhood. 

Joining Nature Friday today with Rosy and Sunny over at


  1. I have a lot of house plants, almost too many for me to care for. And I have seen this in the garden center. I am going to BUY it!!! As soon as the heat wave is over, I'm going there and hoping they have one. I love it and read it is easy to care for in the house.

  2. Hari OM
    Oh yes, I had a Trad in my OZ place... they are hardy and attractive. My how your garden grows! YAM xx

  3. I had never heard of it, so thanks for the education! I'm glad it's doing so well.

  4. That's a nice replacement for the pothos. It looks really nice in the pot. It's a nice addition to the tree stump. That would be a cool idea to sell plants from your yard but it does sound like a LOT of work.

  5. I dont have time to read about the purple plant now. But want to later...I really think its pretty.

  6. The purple plant is pretty, I love the color. The yellow flowers are beautiful and I like the Mexican Heather. Your plants are growing well. Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend!

  7. Sometimes improvisation is the best! You have done well and it’s looking great.

  8. Amazing how you can just stick a plant in an old planter and make it all look good! And it lives! You are amazing! Love the arrangement on the stump! You are an inspiration to me! But it's still too hot for me to go out and work in the yard, so I'll just be inspired from inside and think about it. LOL. Have a lovely day!

  9. I've never seen the purple and green plant! So pretty!

  10. Sandra the last photo of the arrangement is absolutely gorgeous. You have a Cre8tive eye.
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. That stump is like your art gallery - and a new exhibition from time to time to keep your 'customers' coming back. We love the changing views. (What happened to the cracked planter BTW?)

  12. Your plants look so happy all cuddling together and blooming their heads off. Those colorful plants just brighten my day.... and boy is it bright this morning. Doing early shift at Lynne's. Thankful it won't be quite so blistering at around 9am. Temps now at 7:30am are 80F to get up to 113F. Hope I won't fry in my car coming home at 1pm.
    We are going to dinner with our Daughter in Law tonight. Her treat..she's a sweetheart. Her hubby is the camp photographer for the next 3 weeks so she likes to be with friends and family after her work.

  13. You've got an interesting and varying collection of plants there, it looks good! :)

  14. So that's what that purple plant is called. Never knew that. You have a green thumb. House plants and I don't get along. I stick with outside plants that can take care of themselves. Thanks for helping me learn about another plant. Stay cool! 💙

  15. I sure wish I had your plant enthusiasm, and the ability to put them together like you do...the purples are just amazing in both these plants(and flowers)!

  16. I never heard of 'Moses' but it's sure a purdy thang. Love how you've arranged its date with Mexican Heather. The others (kissing cousins) certainly make a pretty grouping.

    As for your plans, I'd think about that once the temperature drops to a reasonable number. Great idea about putting them out for the tourists to buy!

  17. I always enjoy seeing all of your potted plants. The yellow flowers are so pretty.

  18. You could start a nursery - lots of pretty plants. The purple one looks so pretty and elegant!

  19. I have a lot of that purple grows absolutely anywhere and I just break the tops off and through them on dirt - and they grow! I've added them to my planters and containers since they stay pretty all year round!

  20. Well since purple is my favorite color, Sandra, I really liked reading and seeing that you resurrected the pothos plant. I also followed the link to learn more about it.

  21. That's a beautiful collection of plants, and I enjoyed the story behind them!
