Sunday, July 21, 2024

Really Rad Ricecapade


The Senior Moments Continue. While peeling apples to cook for Bob, I placed this 60 second Rice cup in the microwave. Peeled, sliced, added cinnamon and a little water and one package of sweet n low, put the lid on the corning Ware, set the microwave for 5 minutes, took the peels/cores out for the bird, came back, time went off, lifted corning ware out, stirred apples, another 5 minutes and done. 
ten minutes and Bob had cooked apples for the week.
2 hours later, I prepared lunch, which was stir fry, and looked for the minute rice, and found it in the microwave cooked into a hard rice ball.
Seems it got it 60 seconds and 10-minute cooking time with the apples.
Lucky me, i had another one to zap and the stir fry had to live with hot rice not cold rice.
You would think I would have noticed it was in there when I put the apples in not once but twice.
Glad I did not have to use the new fire blankets I purchased for Senior Moment Fires.
Guess what? The birds loved the rice ball. I tossed it out with the apple peels, and they ate it first.

 Just Because SOMEONE might need to know this. 
Store Natural Peanut Butter Upside down, it is easier to stir the oil.
It works great IF you remember to turn the jar on its lid when storing.
Dear Smucker's, please put the label on upside down and store it in the store like that. I mean what if I was OUT of PB and needed to stir it as soon as I got home? 
Florida Life = hurricane supplies. I always have 2 Jif for bob and 3 smuckers for me, all year long.
I don't eat much meat, PB is a staple for daily life for me. 
 From now until November there are usually 5 of each.

How many do you keep on hand? Do you eat PB? What Brand? Crunchy or Smooth. 
I eat only Smucker's Natural and always have Crunchy and Smooth on hand.

My dog Beau and Me on Selfie Sunday, Beau eats any brand Peanut Butter, what ever he is handed.


  1. I don't eat peanut butter, I eat almond butter. But that's a great idea of how to store them.

  2. I love peanut butter! Only smooth, because of my stomach. I like Jiff Honey. I also have Skippy, and some of the Peanut Butter & Co. white chocolate and chocolate. Jif also has a new peanut butter mixed with chocolate that is real good. ALL of them not near as healthy as yours, but at my age I want what I like best. Your apples are a really cool tip!!!! And your rice fail was even better because the critters got a great meal!

  3. I am addicted to peanut butter. I prefer smooth. I've had all different brands over the years but lately I just buy the Walmart brand in the biggest jar they have.

  4. I realised some years ago that I must be allergic to peanuts, so no more peanut butter for me.

  5. I have always used pter pan or jiff...I am about done with peter pan..I have had two jars that have so much oil I can barely stand it.i have peanut butter and crackers for breakfast a lot of times. I love them with iced tea on hot days.

  6. We always buy the Jiff peanut butter. My hubby likes the chunky kind and I like the smooth. Our dogs loved peanut butter too, it was an easy way to give them a pill too. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week!

  7. I love instant brown rice..never buy white rice.
    Something I came up with (at least I think it was me)
    Cook rice as directed.
    saute onions and mushrooms in sodium free Herb-Ox powdered beef. Add uncooke fresh mushrooms (or canned mushrooms drained) stir in the saute and onions....oh is that yummy
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Sooo glad I'm not the only one! Last night Tom discovered a cup of coffee in there I'd reheated some 12 hours earlier.

    Not so much this last year, but I've been addicted to refrigerated JIF (extra-crunchy) most of my adult life. I've even travelled overseas with it in my luggage ... which came in handy when I refused to touch a certain regional dish because its eyes were looking at me. (Really.)
    Anyway! Off-topic. Tom eats PB every so often and doesn't care what brand. I've tried the natural stuff, but don't care for it so much.

  9. Glad the birds enjoyed the rice. I'd be interested in seeing those fire blankets. I do put it upside down until I need it. After I stir it, it goes in the frig. I have one from Trader Joe's that I like but my favorite is MaraNatha (no salt or sugar added) and it doesn't need much stirring at all. I used to buy it at Sprouts but now I get it online since they don't carry this particular one anymore. I have one in the frig right now and 2 on hand. Unless a PB lists the good fats, I don't buy it.

  10. That must have been a fun rice ball! I do eat lots of peanut butter but one that made from real peanuts as the only ingredient.

  11. Would you believe I never had peanut butter growing up? lol. I like crunchy but have switched to using almond butter recently. It doesn't spread nearly as easily though. LOL about the rice 'ball'. Too funny. xo Diana

  12. Would you believe I never had peanut butter growing up? lol. I like crunchy but have switched to using almond butter recently. It doesn't spread nearly as easily though. LOL about the rice 'ball'. Too funny. xo Diana

  13. I love smooth Skippy peanut butter. It is awesome. Haven't got to the less sugar ones with the oil.
    I make mistakes like that too! Aging is great!

  14. Oh, gurl, I am a Peanut Butter-aholic. There is one jar of the Natural (peanuts only with no sugar-added) and several of the Jif Creamy low-sugar ones in the cabinet. Peanuts, on their own, are high in carb's but when I spot those jars sitting there all of a sudden I DON'T CARE ... LOL
    Love your idea for storing the Natural upside down. Will do just that.
    Senior Moments are becoming all to common for me lately. The other day I left a water hose running full blast on the South end of the house. Steve told me about the next day. My bad! 😁 Good thing that grass needed watering anyway. 💙

  15. I love JIF Creamy PB, not the natural kind, however. Just plain old Jif smooth/creamy PB. I usually eat some on a piece of bread at night before I got to bed. It helps keep the tummy grumbles away. I often eat it on toast with apple butter for breakfast too. Love the selfies of you and Beau. He is a handsome "beau". Senior moments? what's that? I forget...LOL. Are we seniors? Oh my! That explains everything! LOL Have a great week!

  16. We have Skippy on hand - smooth. We don’t eat it often as a spread but we have a couple of Asian recipes that use a peanut sauce. That’s our main use of peanut butter.

  17. I should have added that sometimes we make peanut butter sandwiches for the crows that come to visit!

  18. We bet the birds were very thankful for your memory lapse:). Our Dad likes Jif natural creamy pb. Mom isn't fussy, she will eat whatever is around as long as it isn't crunchy.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  19. You and Beau are looking great. It must be all that PB you both eat. That is a good hint to store it upside down. I like smooth but Bill prefers crunchy so we always have one of each in the cupboard.

  20. Love the selfie of you and Beau. We are Jiffy peanut butter people.
