Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Tips from Snapper on Friends Day

  Today is International Friends Day and what could be better than Tips that will help all of you, My E-Friends.

TIP 1:  You can use the selfie mode on your cell phone as a mirror. You know, like when you are waiting in the doctor office and want to know if your hair is wild, and your nose is clean. 
Plus, while you are checking your face, Art is where you find it!   Just snap a photo for your blog of the clipboard in your lap.

TIP 2:  Use Post it Notes on your calendar. I put the sticky note on the next date. It started at the top to remind me to give Beau his monthly meds. when completed move it to the next thing you need to remember. I keep mine over the phone in the kitchen.  I use bright colors to draw my poor aging memory to look at it... The night before the appt, I remove it and stick it on the pad on the counter where we cook breakfast. the sight of the sticky when I get my coffee warns me there is something we need to do today. I might invent one that slaps me upside my head to remind me.
Senior Moments keep rolling, rolling, rolling.  Forgot to wash the TOP sheet, 5 pillowcases, one fitted sheet were washed.  THREE days in a row.... NO coffee ready at wake up.
Once not on, Once had coffee but no water, once had water, no coffee...
Can I get by with a little help from my friends???
I MAY OR MAY NOT tell the story of why I was missing for two days....I am OK.


  1. I didn't know about Friends Day. And these are great tips! Glad to see you back!

  2. happy friends day... I like the tips... but if i see me in selfie mode I could run away LOLOLOLOL

  3. Hari Om
    Oh yes I use the selfie mirror all the time in the Grey. Meanwhile you know you can tell us, your friends, right? YAM xx

  4. I don't hang a calendar any more but that's a good idea with the post it. I have used my phone like a mirror before.

  5. I do the selfie thing already...to remind myself i schedule emails to myself...it is easier than putting it in the calendar reminder thing..I schedule one for the day before, as well as one for the day of the appts..and I dont open...so every time I check email there sits my reminder.

  6. Happy Friends Day to you! Great tips! I am glad you are OK.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  7. Happy Friendship Day! The selfie "mirror" is a great tip. I use the camera feature sometimes to read small print. I take the camera feature and zero in on whatever I'm trying to read. Works wonderfully. I also use the Yahoo! calendar feature on my phone to remind me of events, dog medicine, etc. Oh, and glad you're OK. 💙

  8. Happy International Friendship Day. May it spread around the world. It won’t, but we can always wish for it.

  9. I was just about to write to see how you were doing. Glad you're okay. Great tips thanks!

  10. Good tips and friends helping friends is always a good thing. Glad you are okay!!!

  11. HAPPY Friends Day!
    I do a calendar each month on the computer with known appointments color-coded (T- red in CAPS) and stick on the refrigerator.
    I am, however, going to adopt YOUR method for 'those of us' who can't read the small print without glasses. Plus, I can't wait for 2025 because there are a couple 'real' calendars I can't wait to order.
    Glad you're back!

  12. Happy Nat'l friends day to you and thanks for being my friend
    Hugs cecilia

  13. I do use Post It notes on my wall calendar(s) for certain things + I use my fridge as notice board for some things as well.

  14. Thanks so much for the calendar tip...I have used the selfie as a mirror, it comes in very handy when camping!
    Rosy & Sunny

  15. Happy Friends Day to you, Madsnapper Sandra. Give your memory a break - we all make mistakes and we all forget. We hope whatever kept you away is not a biggie and you are just fine.

    Woos - Misty and Timber and Mom

  16. Great tips my friend and glad to call you that. I use those tips already - except the one where you take a picture of yourself - I always turn out bad in a selfie!

  17. Missed you my friend. Glad to see you back. Oy on the senior moments. I seem to be acquiring a few myself.
    I write EVERYTHING on my calendar which sits right next to me at my "desk". Its so helpful for my reminders. I just can't get used to using the Notes app on my phone. I guess I'm just a HardCopy kind of gal... (:0)

  18. You have CHAMELEONS and never snapped any???!!! I must be dreaming....

  19. These are great ideas. I set reminders on my phone all the time. As soon as I make a doctor's appointment or whatever, I put it on my phone and also on my two calendars. I love having you for a friend.

  20. You make me smile and laugh right out loud. Not at you, but at US. We are ALL falling into those same situations about forgetting things, oh that coffee pot...I've done that too...and working out a system to help with our calendar of appointments, etc. Yes, we all need those little ideas and pointers, so thank you for sharing yours with us. Now it is time for me to go prepare the coffee pot for morning. So good night before I forget. LOL

  21. Belated friends day to you, as well, Sandra. While I didn't know about the specific day to celebrate friendships, it's something I try to do all the time and am sure others do the same. I keep a paper calendar on the bulletin board near our kitchen in addition to the phone calendar and I have also used sticky notes, so you are not alone, my friend. I also have used the cell phone selfie featyure as a mirror!

  22. thank you for sharing your tips. they’re all great!
