Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Window World, Tree Man Cometh


Hearing the roar of large machinery, I rushed to my Window On the World and behold there was my entertainment for two whole days. The Bucket truck was there, the big black truck was there and as I watched and pondered out loud to the man in front of the TV, I heard a really loud BEEP BEEP Beep and out of the back of a 3rd truck that is behind the palm in the corner, came the most adorable machine i have ever seen.  Sadly I had no cell in my hand because this was sudden. they drove the bucket truck into the back yard, after taking down part of the fence and the limbs started falling like rain and in 2 days they took down 3 giant trees. Mean while the cute little claw with treads not wheels had disappeared back out of my sight. Clicking on photos will give more details

Later in the day I sat in my chair and watched this little treaded guy bring load after load and dump it in front of the big black truck. The Man On the Ground was pitching the wood in a very loud chipper. The man in the claw and the man up the tree in the bucket and the man on the ground under the tree, Four men In all were working like worker Bees in 98 degree heat. 

Soon the thunder boomed three times, the man was in the bucket, the guys were on the ground and then it started to rain. the man got out and was standing in the rain with arms spread out saying AH.
I said to the man in front of the TV behind me, he is waving his arms, calling out the the thunder, here i am, strike me now.
They worked two days and when they left there was a large gap in the sky. See the trees in the top photo of collage and the gap left with two tree stumps left. they cam back the next day and removed the 3r tree on the right bottom.
Come back tomorrow to see the full view of after the dastardly deed was done, and what it looked like on day 3. See the trash cans bottom right? I took my cans out and the Big Guy that lives in the house of 7 cars came out and I said to him, what's up with your neighbors trees? His reply was, they are clearing them out for hurricane season. The News Guys Win Again! Scare Tactics are Winning and our world will have less oxygen and the birds and coons and possums will have no where to go but our homes.

WHAT? they have been there 60 years or more, and now they are not
to be continued


  1. You are right, the little machine is cute as a button! I'm guessing they are afraid one of those big trees will come down on their house in a hurricane. I wait for the rest of the story! I cannot imagine how many critters are homeless now that the trees are gone.

  2. That's so sad about the trees, but if hurricanes get worse... You did have a great view of the whole thing. Thank you!

  3. Hari Om
    He'd be waiting a fair while, for thunder doesn't strike. Lightning on the other hand... No doubt they earned their pay and got to work cool machinery, but I quite understand your irk at the loss of the trees. YAM xx

  4. we always feel sad when trees fall, but that is really a very cute machine. think I would want one... I have a faile for such things, I bought a mini chain saw, it is perfect to "repair" things finally... LOL I'm chainsaw-mama oh my ...

  5. Hello,
    I am usually against removing trees, but if it comes down to protecting the house they have to go. Some are down right dangerous, way too close to the house. Take care, have a wonderful day!

  6. Awesome, free entertainment and blog fodder. I bet those guys sure enjoyed the cooling rain after working in that heat.
    So there was nothing wrong with these trees? They were just having them taken down because they were afraid of them coming down during hurricane season? I can see if they were in bad shape but if they were perfectly healthy trees then that's just a shame. Not to mention they got rid of all the shade those trees provided and now their house will be hotter.

  7. Lolol...your play-by-play commentary from the window reminded me of Gladys...on Bewitched.
    Yes...sad about the trees...

  8. I hope they plant some more - 2 or 3 for every big one that came out - and let them grow up again for another 60 years.

  9. We don't have hurricanes but a close relative just had a tree fall on their house, and a limb went through their roof and hit the bed she normally slept on..but she had their kids and was huddled in the bathroom with them.

  10. I agree and totally enjoy watching tree monkeys at work.
    But I don't think I'd stand in thunder by trees. I guess he was happy for rain
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. We don't like to see trees and greenery destroyed like that either, it's sad.

  12. Sad to see large trees go, but sometimes it may also be necessary.

  13. As I was reading your story - I felt so sad - I hate when they take trees down like that. We need them so bad!

  14. Definitely sad to lose the trees. I understand about hurricane season and the damage the trees could do. Glad you had something to watch. Mark read yesterday that trees, according to the government, cause more pollution which is bullshit! Some of the environmentalist are ruining our country.

  15. How ironic! Just a few hours ago I was scrolling through my 'July' photos, deleting a lot of duplicates and 'what was I thinking.'
    I came across a BUNCH from 2019, documenting the take down of several giants. Some were dying; others threatening, come a big blow. You're right about the cute equipment. I may have actually suggested I'd be up for a ride ... to no avail.

    I'm so glad you captured these; I wonder if the tree company wouldn't appreciate having copies to use in their advertising?

    PS - Come the first clap of thunder I'd have been out of that metal box in a heartbeat.

  16. Sorry about the trees demise but it sure gave us some great playb play fodder to enjoy. We do need our trees for good air and shade and homes for the critters. We have taken down sick trees and those that are getting into our pipe system but just because of fear is rather sad.
    Today is the start of an extreme heat wave. For the next 10 or so days the temps will peak at 111F.
    Not liking this a whole bunch!!! right now its 93F at 10:30 am and going to be 109F by 5pm. Ugh

  17. That's a bummer about the trees. You're right, the scare mongering wins again. We had to cut down two enormous Water Oaks many years ago because they were endangering our concrete and the house. Broke my heart. Thankfully we have about kazillion other trees on the property. That would have made me sad if we didn't.
    I believe the New Holland is a Track Loader, I could be wrong. They are very practical, useful for wet soil because they don't sink and can go darn near anywhere. I've been panting after a small tractor of my own with a box blade. Can you imagine the fun I could have with that!? Steve keeps saying "NO". He's such a buzz kill. *lol*
    Hope you're feeling better these days. Been mentioning y'all in prayer. 💙

  18. I sure wish people would stop cutting down their trees...thin them out if you are afraid of them blowing over...do't cut them down.

  19. Yes, it is sad to see big trees come tumbling down, but sometimes they pose a risk if they got knocked down. Time for the neighbor to plant some new young trees for the generations to come.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  20. It is unfortunate that the trees had to be removed, but then if hurricanes struck them down, it would be a more sadder situation. It is amazing all the entertainment one can have from their windows. We are currently watching a renovation project on the river. I will be posting some photo updates soon.

  21. Always a sad day to see a tree felled. The story you shared about the man enjoying the rain made me smile. I can only imagine how good that must have felt after all his hard work. I remember someone saying years ago that if you get someone fearful enough, they will do anything you want them to. I am fearful those tactics are working.

  22. You certainly had a lot going on in your neighborhood that week. Noisy machinery like that drives me nuts. Sad about losing the trees.
