Tuesday, September 3, 2024

I might be a liar and it's not my fault


I left this jug sitting in the sink as a signal. A message for me. 
I was forced to buy this HUGE Dawn months ago. 

It takes up way too much space in the cabinet. Sunday morning, I poured the last of it in the small bottle that lives in plain sight for daily use.
Overjoyed that I could throw the bottle out, I sighed when there was just enough left in the bottom to do one more sink full of dishes. I knew if I put it back under the sink, it would be there until I use up all the small bottle. 
The message: Sandra, you added water to the small amount and left me sitting here to remind you to use it all up when you do the LUNCH dishes. 

"Out of sight is out of mind" this is me. NOTE: if you are thinking why not sit it on the counter, it's because it has to be in my face, PLAIN sight or like this which can't be missed.

Neither does Dollar General. I cannot find unscented; I CAN order it ONLINE. I. don't. want. to.

This week I gave in and bought FAKE Dawn under the name of Great Value and now will have to LIE TO MY husband if he asks me if the bottle is full of Dawn because for 40 years, I have not been allowed to buy any brand but Dawn because none of the others work as good.
Scent Allergies may force me to lie.
I might be a liar, and it is not my fault.

Can you guess what this signal means?



If you guessed "Sandra, you have clothes in the dryer/washer, don't forget"
YOU GOT IT RIGHT. Do you have any signals as reminders?


  1. I guessed right! YES, I have to do this now! I have to leave things out of place where I will instantly notice them. We only use Dawn as well. We like the kind that comes out as foam, it is already lathered up. I would hate that big bottle. But in the sink was the perfect place for it.

  2. we are sisters at this front... I have two note pads on the fridge but I forget to write down what I have to remember... I'm a hopeless case .....;o)))

  3. I suppose the only signals I have are putting things by the coffee maker that I need to remember to take to work with me the next day. If I need to mail something it sits next to the coffee maker. If I put it in my purse, it's out of sight and I'll forget to mail it.
    I use the Great Value dish soap but I don't have to put it in a different bottle. Wade was like that with Tide. It had to be Tide because that was the only thing that would get his clothes clean. Now that it's just me, I buy a cheaper brand.

  4. Yes, I do thinks like that...bit right now I cannot give an example....and then I do the scheduled emails till it is staring me on my face...I do not open and delete until whatever task is accomplished.

  5. We don't have any problems finding the regular Dawn up here, Publix always has it.

  6. Recently I had to buy a huge container of Bona for hardwood floors. I'm sure it was better priced at a larger size but there is the storage issue too. Nearly everything is being stocked in large it seems especially at Walmart.
    I thought the basket on the bed was to remind you to take out trash...BOL
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. I have the same problem with the size of Dawn I get at BJ'S but I do it anyway.
    I guessed something to do with laundry.
    Yes, I do have little signals. Like this am, I know I have to order more deodorant so I brought the cap down - so I can go to my Walmart list and order it. Do it ALL the time.

  8. My life is full of reminders. To do list right by my computer with things like what bills are due in the next few days, and I do have the physical signals too.What ever needs to go out to the garage sits by the back door so I can trip over it. In our other house it was at the top of the stairs.
    I hope you can find scent-less Dawn. The bottle we have is really strong smelling but I do like what the soap does.
    That reminds me... have to start my grocery list...seems I always forget something if I don't write it down. Of course it helps if I take the list with me!

  9. Yes, I write notes to myself and use timer settings on my phone, or a kitchen timer; and yes it also happens that I put an object somewhere unusual like that. Whatever seems best. Usually I don't forget important things but one never knows.
    I'm also fussy about wanting to use my familiar favourite brands, and always unscented.

  10. Not the Dawn or laundry basket, but ya. I often leave objects in plain sight, usually near my car keys or phone. ("Don't leave home without it!") I couldn't believe when we got my car last year, whenever I turn it off I get a message on the information station: "Don't forget your cell phone."

  11. Mom always buys the big jugs and uses it to fill the small ones. She prefers Palmolive but uses Dawn for the tough stuff:)

    The best reminders for Mom are those sticky notes - you can find them in lots of strange places:)

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  12. We have a magnetic white board on the front of the refrigerator where I write down important things to remember. I have a magnetic shopping list also on the refrigerator to write down things and then try to remember to tear off the page and take it with me to the store. We have a calendar in our bathrooms with all of our appointments written on each of them so we have no excuse for not seeing it. Plus when the Dr. gives us a little appointment card I attach it to the refrigerator with a magnet AFTER I write down the info on the calendars. It doesn't do me any good to put it in my cell phone calendar. Somehow I just don't see those messages. I do use the big jug of Dawn, and it sits on top of the counter next to the sink, unless company is coming. Then it goes under the sink. I didn't know they had an unscented variety. Although Dawn scent doesn't bother me. It's every other scent that bothers me. Go figure. I used unscented ALL detergent cubes for laundry. No fabric softener sheets, but if I do, I use the unscented kind. The laundry basket stays on top of the washer/dryer while the laundry is being done. That works as long as I walk by the laundry room and notice that it is still there waiting. LOL. yes, we all need help at this stage in life. You are in good company here!

  13. Always! I tend to forget things otherwise but do you think I can remember what they are right now? Nope!

  14. I need reminders or I could forget! Nick had laundry in the dryer. I set my wet laundry in the basket. Several hours later.....ugh now the next load was ready! But Nick helped me out as he had all his laundry done. I tend to forget if I do not have a visual reminder! Thank you, I knew you had clothes in the dryer too! heeheehee

  15. So does the new one look the same color? Have you tried it yet? I was never into Dawn but we do have some in case we have an issue with grease.
