Monday, August 12, 2024

Locked, Loaded and Ready to Fire Um Test

My head is all in a whorl. Monday I went to a Psychologist for a memory test.   I fretted for two nights over the silly test and missed several hour of sleep but by 8:30 my PURSE was locked and loaded and ready for anything I might need. I do not carry a purse, I carry my cards and drivers license in a wrist wallet, with keys hanging on  my finger and phone in my pocket.  
This is what I put in the biggest purse  have.

below is what I crammed in the purse. THE HEAVY PURSE, I hate to carry a purse.

yes, I had two phones, the iPhone is camera only but it has my kindle app to read from if i had to sit and wait. the cell phone was in case they locked me up, I could call bob to tell him where I was. I covered all bases and used ONLY the debit card for 50 $ copay, License to prove I am me, Health Card for insurance. NOT ONE THING DID I NEED.
The test was scheduled for 3 hours, I took it in 180 minutes. that is 2 and 1/2 hours. For 60 minutes the doctor fired questions at me, all kinds of history and warned he would every now and then throw in off the wall questions. 
Where were your born, did you grow up there, what school did you go to?
Pointing to his desk he said what is that? stapler, he pointed to 6 items and I NAMED THEM ALL.. woo hoo starts up with more questions. 
He said what is today date, I proudly said Aug 12, 2024. there more questions and he suddenly said, what day is this? I said Wed??? it was MONDAY. OMG
He suddenly said, I am going to take you to my tech for a few tests, if you need the restroom, you can now and I will take you to her office. come back here. Do you know where it is? I proudly answer yes. I had used it when i came in the door. When I presented myself to his office, he said good, you passed that test , you came back. (now i wonder if some patients don't come back)
The tech fired question 120 minutes, she flipped charts and asked what is that? I may or may not tell  you about the test. Suffice it to say, when she asked who is Martin Luther King, I drew a blank and could not think of who he was, I mean I KNOW who he is but did not know what to say. she gave up and said who is Mahatma Ghandi, I drew another blank. Missed those two.
on the way home I slapped my head and said Same answer, idiot, you should have said Civil Rights leaders. OMG
She said what continent is Sahara desert in? What continent is Brazil in?
REALLY what if i never knew that. I did but REALLY?
I thought of saying, i know what they are but can 't remember the name and I bet no one under the age of 50 knows what they are.


  1. That sounds like a horrid test. I’m with you about compass and protractor. I hope the results are all right.

  2. I hope they take into account for test anxiety. I’ve never done well on oral exams. I always go blank and have done this since I was a kid.

  3. we are sure you will get good news!! I know it!!! I had to google protractor... i guessed it , its a math thing... my nemesis LOL

  4. I don't know how well I would have done on that test with questions asking what continent a certain place is. I do not do well with that kind of stuff. I don't think I could have even thought of saying that those two men were civil rights leaders.

  5. I am willing to bet that overall you did very well. I suspect that they factor in some kind of anxiety quotient, know that momentary forgetfulness is not indicative of a long term issue. Let us know the results when you have them.,

  6. I bet you did a ove average...I think everyone would mess up....just from stress.

  7. Hello,
    I am not an expert but from your description of the test and your answers, I would say you did great. Don't stress! Take care, enjoy your day!

  8. Hari Om
    As others have said there will be factors allowing for 'white coat syndrome ' and you probably did better than you think. Deep breaths and onward. YAM xx

  9. Wow. What kind of doctor is he, neurologist? I love the adorable avatar of you with your head whirling, it is beyond cute. You also made me laugh by saying maybe some patients never return to the office. I can see them going to the bathroom, then just wandering out! Sounds like you did normal to me. Who on earth would even know or remember the name protractor? We have several out of town appointments this week. It takes me forever to load up my purse. The older I get, the longer it takes to do bedtime routines and load my purse. Water, phones, snacks, wipes and now maybe toilet paper. What if I need the bathroom and they are out? Check!

  10. I would be in deep trouble if there were history or sport questions, two things I never enjoyed. Sounds to me like you did reasonably good!

  11. That sure was some test, Sandra, and one I hope never to have to undertake. While I am sure many of the answers were not difficult for you, some of those others seemed quite unusual. Good luck on the results and sure you will have nailed this one!

  12. Hi Sandra :=
    I'm sure your results will be good as you answered the majority of the questions, a momentary lapse of memory happens to most people so
    you'll be fine.

  13. That makes me feel panicky just hearing about YOUR experience! I have such a scattered memory....a scatter brain maybe? I sure hope you get good results and feel like it was helpful. Hugs!

  14. Talk about brain teasers...those were some interesting questions
    Hugs Cecilia

  15. Wow - that was rough. How many questions in all? And remember they give you an area to make mistakes. And while some people might know it - they might not know other answers. It seemed to me you got a lot right. Anxiety plays a key too.

  16. Whoa!!! I was thinking about you all (the live-long) day yesterday. I'm not sure I could answer the ones about Ghandi and MLK off the top of my head like that. Like what my mother always said about the Jeopardy! contestants -- it's not that they don't know the answer but having to answer correctly so quickly.
    Thank you so much for sharing this detail for us Inquiring Minds!

  17. Wow, that sounds like an extremely advanced test! Had you done any simpler memory test elsewhere before that?? (Here, I know that a much shorter test is usually made initially...) I had to look up the word protractor, that was not in my English vocabulary... Googled and saw a picture of it, then I recognised it, but it still took me a moment before the Swedish name for it came to mind. I don't think I own one and I don't think I'd remember how to use it... Math of that kind was never my strength! To me it sounds like you probably did well on this test as a whole, but I get that waiting for the result must be nerve-wrecking!

  18. Wow, sounds like a stressful test to me. Things I know when I get nervous make me draw a blank. I think you will be fine with the outcome of the tests. You are way too bright and with it to be otherwise. After all we are friends and have been for many years.
    You certainly were well prepared for anything!!

  19. I once took my very elderly and dementia acting MIL for a dementia test (at my initiation with her doctor behind her back). She ACED the test, and the doctor was looking at me like I needed to be tested! When they asked her to spell "WORLD" backwards, I sat there and had to think about it while she just spouted it out like it was the easiest thing in the WORLD to do! Yeah, that sure humbled me!! She lived to be 95 and was still smart as a whip. LOL. I think her "dementia" issues were actually being caused by UTI's, but we didn't realize that at the time. Now I am very cautious about having them, which I do often. If I start acting demented, tell someone to test me for a UTI please! LOL. You will be find, I am sure. You are one of the smartest people I've met here in blogland!!

  20. Dang. What a test! I would have hosed up on some of those too, I'm sure. Sounds like you actually did quite well. I think you're a fully functioning person me self. Well done. By the way, wanna guess what my response would have been about MLK since I know history? Take one guess. (It starts with c-o-m-m-u ...) He was, you know. I remember those days well.
    Love & Prayers 💙

  21. I believe anxiety can lock up your brain. I think you did very well but I am just plain ole me. I am not a trust the doctor, trust the science kinda girl as I worked 35 years in healthcare. I hope your results are good as I think you did great.

  22. Oh my, I wouldn't want to take the test. I am sure I would answer wrong and draw blanks. We have wellness visits each year that we pass. They do have a few things they say and then come back to them later to see if you remembered what she told you. Your test was so hard. God Bless You. Praying that you passed.

  23. Good grief, how's your blood pressure after that lot?

  24. Good grief, how's your blood pressure after that lot?
