Saturday, August 24, 2024

You Get What you Pay For


I dropped the phone on the countertop, broke the phone case

but not the phone! YAY! I went Cheap when I bought the blue plastic junk, 6 bucks. This time I bought Military Quality, and I saved myself 3 dollars because I bought BLACK, I refused to pay 3 Dollars for aqua or burgundy, because when you lay it down the color doesn't show anyway. Besides I love black.

Now each time I ride my bike, I will count how many times I drop it, and at 2, will no longer ride the bike. 😀😀I don't own a bike and never could ride one without falling over. Or skate with falling.
 I wonder if I drop my cell on the counter 3 times if this will still protect it on the 4th time.


  1. Great decision! I'm SO glad the phone did not break. The cheap case may have broken, but it DID save the phone!!

  2. Phones are ridiculously priced these days! Glad you got a better case!

  3. Hari Om
    I have black military grade on the Gopika. It has served well! YAM xx

  4. The new case sounds great! I am always dropping my phone, luckily it has not broken. Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend.

  5. I don’t really know what grade I have, but it must be durable because I, like everyone else, have dropped the phone a few times, and other that a very small crack in the corner it is intact. It amazes me how many times a phone can be dropped and still keep working. They are rugged devices.

  6. I hope you have the gorilla glass screen cover as well.

  7. Good for you going with a better case. I'm forever buying the least expensive option. I've dropped my phone several times but I think it only cracked the screen protector and not the actual screen

  8. I wouldn't cope well without my mobile (cell) phone. I think you're more active than me so I'm glad your phone didn't stop working when you dropped it. I've been thinking of you, Bob and Beau even though I haven't been blogging.

  9. That is one thing I would not go cheap on...did not buy the one they tried to sell me when I got the phone either...I dont even like to think how many times I have dropped it.

  10. Thankfully, very seldom do I drop my phone but I decided to opt for a more secure, sturdy case too. Since my two wheels has a motor if I take a sudden tumble I'd better have a phone that can endure the impact. But, you know, as much as this modern technology costs, these overpriced pieces of plastic should be sold with cases, covers and holders. We the consumer are being royally ripped off, in my opinion. If this phone stops working I may just cancel the whole thing and go back to analog. I'd save so much money. We still have our landline if anyone wants to call. 💙

  11. So glad your phone did not break!!! I have an "Otter" case on mine, and it seems to be holding up well. I forget what I paid for it, but I didn't go for the most deluxe one...just a basic, and it is fine. Oh, I can't ride a bike either. I wouldn't even try now since having so much back/neck surgeries...I know I would knock a few screws loose, and I can't afford to lose any more of those! LOL. And roller skates? It's been YEARS since I did that and never was very good. I was okay as long as I could just go straight and not try anything fancy. But that was then and this is now and I do good to walk a straight line now, and I don't even drink. LOL. Have a lovely day my friend. You always make me smile.

  12. Funny girl! I can count on the fingers of one hand how many times I've dropped my phone -- but each time, it's like the earth stood still. I'm like that Bounty commercial, "Oooooh nooooo!"
    Smart decision to get the military grade. I like black, too, but have no idea what kind the case is. (Which is chipped already, but I've been too lazy to replace.)

    Okay, I'm off to the conference now; hopefully, my stomach's finished its rock-and-rolling.

  13. That's a really good way to protect your phone!

  14. BOL BOL MS be sure to take lots of photos when you ride your bike...maybe like the ones Gail and Nobby take up hills and over peaks.
    Love the case mine is similar
    Hugs cecilia

  15. Oh, how I love how your mind works. No worries about it failing you, that's for sure.

  16. Glad it protected your phone. I am with you and that bike.

  17. I am glad your phone didn't break! I like the black case. Good luck!

  18. That is good news that you phone didn't break. Hooray for the new cover!

  19. Good for you and the new case. We got "rubber" type cases for our mini I phones and really like it. Not slippery at all and is comfortable in my hand too. I rarely drop my phone but think this case is a really good protector. Got it at the ATT store when we bought our phones so I don't know the brand. Mine is dark navy and Dave's is magenta. That way we don't get them mixed up.
    We actually got a spritz of rain in the early morning. Just kind of cleaned everything off a bit. Tomorrow the temps. start to rise again, but enjoying it while we can.

  20. I must say you have your priorities in place and won't make that cheap mistake again. Good for you for finding something much better for your cherished phone. Long may you both ride together!

  21. I have a leathern on that folds over so I can carry my drivers license and cards in the pockets inside the cover. It is saved my phone many times over and worth it!

  22. I have black too! At the time, that's all my phone had available. Glad your phone didn't break.

  23. So far I haven’t dropped my phone. It’s just a matter of time. Now my husband breaks his phone all the time. Once he dropped his cell phone in the toilet in the mother home. Down it went into the holding tank and stayed till it was flushed out with the rest of the waste. We were laying in bed when someone rang his phone - we could hear it from the septic tank, ringing. Obviously we had to replace that phone. What a mess! 😜
