Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Five Trays a Day


I don't use ice, and one of my new caregiver chores that I never had to do in the past is making 5 trays a day of ice. Bob uses 5 trays; he does share several cubes a day with 
Beau, who loves to crunch ice.

Several things cause a problem, 
A. He has made his own ice for 40 years. 
B. I have no experience and now I drop everything I pick up. 
C. I struggle to crack the cubes loose
D. When I turn it upside down, into the Ice Bin, they fall all over the floor.
 I found an answer to keep them off the floor and counter, that blue bowl is just the right size to dump them in and pour into the ice bin.. Anyone have an idea to help me remember to dump the trays, and refill? or how to get the trays to let go those cubes? 


  1. Put a huge note on the freezer door. That's what I would do.

  2. What a pain! Life doesn't get easier.

  3. Note on the door sounds good. Run water over them first before trying to get them out. If it is a twistable tray do that give it a twist.

  4. I wouldn't be able to remember either. Ginny's idea of a note on the door sounds good. Maybe a note on your tablet. I bought ice cube trays that have a lid on them. When I take them out of the freezer I run a little water over the bottom side then when I take the lid off they fall out easily.

  5. We buy bags of ice, our well water does not taste good frozen.
    Our granddog Winnie loves to chew on ice. Take care, enjoy your day.

  6. Do you have five trays or do you have to make them one at a time? Either way, I'm thinking that the best way to make it a habit is to connect it to something else you do regularly every day, in the kitchen. Like preparing meals, or whatever.

  7. the note idea sounsd good... doors are made for that... hugs...

  8. Run water over the bottom of the tray...you dont have to turn it completely upside down. It was my morning ritual to do ice...or if I thought about it, the last thing. (To avoid having to do it first thing..lol)

  9. Hari Om
    Yes, running water over the base of the trays will help release the cubes. Dawn Treader's idea of tying it in with another daily is excellent. YAM xx

  10. The note on the fridge seems like the best solution to me.

  11. Yeah, the note on the door sounds like a good idea. I guess you're already making as much as the freezer will allow. Hope you can find a good solution to easy your days. 💙

  12. I haven't made ice in Years. However, I like ice! I like my tea to have more ice than tea. lol. One day I was complaining about not having enough ice and my son-in-law (who had just returned from a mission trip to Africa) said: "You know there are some countries that have NO ICE! I haven't complained since. I would most likely purchase more trays and have an extra five at all times.

  13. Well, of course the best way would be to install an icemaker! LOL. That's what I have, and when it was out of commission for a while, I had to remember to keep making ice, etc., and it was a pain. We use a lot of ice here. But, maybe you need better ice trays that release the ice easier. Running water over them first does help. Having a tray to dump them in that is the same dimensions as the ice trays helps also, so you don't have them going everywhere. Putting a note on the freezer door in bright neon colors would help if you remember to go by there frequently to remind you. They also sell portable ice-making machines that can sit on your countertop and make ice for you all day long. I don't know how much they are, but they aren't very big and I've heard they work very well. I'll see if I can find what I'm talking about and send you a link later. But I know, that costs money, and I know, we don't any of us have much to spare these days of high inflation. But I thought I'd mention it as it might be a helpful solution. (((hugs)))

  14. I sent you a link on email! Hope it helps! Just an idea!

  15. WE have had an ice maker for a very long time.
    However before the I.M. I made ice in trays. To easily empty I would put the trays over an ice bucket. while holding the tray with two hands I twisted each end in the opposite directions they fell out lickety split. As for remembering to make them when I empty them I immediately filled with water and placed in the freezer.
    Hugs Cecilia

  16. You need to make a sign that says DUMP ICE, take a picture of it and make it the background photo on your phone. That way everytime you pick up your phone you would see it.

  17. Well, Pam just stole my idea. Another of my blog friends (shipslog-jack.blogspot.com) bought one of those counter-top ice makers last year. Like me, his wife loves ice -- but the RV in which they live most of the year doesn't generate enough.
    When our ice maker went belly-up for a while, I had to use half a dozen trays each day. Yep, I think more went all over the floor or down the sink than not.

  18. Good old-fashioned post-it notes are great for reminders. I didn't grow up eating ice and still don't, it wasn't a done thing. I remember my sister visiting and she went back home loving the fact that we had so much ice in our drinks. She ordered a soda pop at the pub and asked the barman if he had any ice for her drink. The barman gave her a bit of a look, grabbed his icepick tongs and popped ONE ice cube into her glass. She never forgot that. It's probably changed nowadays.

  19. I love crushed ice. I go to Chick Fil A and buy a bag and it is pretty big - of ice for $2.50 and I enjoy it all week. Otherwise - keep making ice and put the extra in a bag for when you forget.

  20. We have an icemaker and yet LD uses ice trays and keeps a container full in the freezer. He also bags up ice and puts that in the freezer so we always have plenty. I know how you feel. Just one more thing to keep in yiur head! This morning I was outside (sneaking trash to the curb) and thought about the storage building needing paint. I had set the paint out along with a brush and am just waiting for a cool enough day to do the job. I looked around and couldn't see the can and brush. Turns out they were sitting on the ground behind something. Nothing stays in the same place for long and LD gets blamed for more than he actually does. Sometimes I just forget where I put something!

  21. I have alarms on my phone for everything...maybe a daily alarm would help you remember?

  22. Pamela beat me to it - get an icemaker perhaps?

  23. Sorry to hear that you have to do the ice now and are struggling with doing it. I myself forget things, like watering my inside plants so I set alarms on my phone. I set all my doctors appointments too with the time I have to get ready before I have to leave. Of course I check my calendar each day but setting alarms really helps.

  24. Maybe but a bunch of cheap ice cube trays at the dollar store and freeze them all. Then use the note of the door to empty once a day. Or if you don't mind the cost, you can get a countertop ice cube maker at Walmart for about $60. Might pay for itself by giving your memory a break:)

    Woos - Misty and Timber
