Thursday, September 5, 2024

Sandra @80yearsoldtoday


1944                                                   1946

 1960   1990



2020   2024


How did I get from 1944 to now so quickly? 

I used to scramble each morning, with 2 boys and a part time job, I could clean and dust and do laundry and have it all done in one morning, in time to get them down for a nap and watch a soap opera, of which I can no longer remember the name.
Somewhere in the years I gained a 80 pounds from 1985 to 2006 and lost 70 of those in 2017.

These days, I have to pick a chore and do one each day and on a good day 2 per day.
 I also use a fake, feather fiber duster because its quicker and easier.

I can no longer reach the top shelf in the kitchen, or reach the light bulbs in the bathroom or on the fans without taking my life in my hands and standing on something to make me taller. 
the why is somewhere along the way I went from 5'6 to 5'4 and still shrinking.

Its a new day, its a new song, it a new ME
Sandra @ 80 years old today, and as of now you can't even sing, and "many more" at the end of my birthday song. 

I am including the first creation because I disliked it and did the one above. 
But for posterity sake, before deleting I chose to show it


  1. Happy happy birthday! I hope you have a great day!!! I have you beat; I went from 5'7 to 5'3! We had a big clothes closet made just for me, now I cannot reach any of the clothes racks! Let us know what you did for the day. I am so glad you are healthy and still blogging, my days would be sadder without YOU.

  2. happy birthday to you... you look so fantabulous !! have a wonderful day and a year full of joy...

  3. Hari Om
    💖👌😁🍰🍾🎉🎆🎂🎈🎇👏🥰 YAM xx

  4. Happy Birthday. Chronia polla. joyeux anniversaire. feliz cumpleaños🎂
    I so get that bit about how much you used to achieve and the contrast now (and I'm a few years behind). Oh to have the enery and effervescent light that you shine with when (if) i make it to 80.

  5. Happy Birthday! I hope it is a good day for you. I wish I was there and we could meet for a meal or a walk...or just to sit and talk. And you could bring Beau and I could bring Copper...

  6. Happy Birthday, Sandra. May you have many more.

  7. Happy Birthday. I must say that 80 looks good on you. I love all the pictures. You look good at every age. I hope you have a wonderful day.
    Almost forgot to say that I love the flamingo leggings.

  8. Happy Birthday Sandra! And MANY more! (so there ... giggle) I can tell from the photos that you really haven't changed much through the years. Same glowing smile. Same bubbly personality. Same Can Do attitude. We're all going towards corruption from the day we're born. Just keep looking Up for His renewing that is coming.
    Love from Gawga. 💙
    2 Corinthians 4:16-17 NIV
    "16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all."

  9. Happy Birthday Sandra! Have a lovely day! Love all the photos through the years and you're looking lovely in all of them. XX

  10. OH Happy 80th Birthday, Sandra! and yes, "and many more"!! Life doesn't stop at 80...God still has more for you to do...we all enjoy your posts and look forward to them every day! So keep on truckin' as they used to say back in the day when we were younger! LOL. You do have such a beautiful smile! I love seeing your pictures through the years! Such a lovely person through and through! Yes, we all have our 'short-comings" these days...we are the incredible shrinking women, but that's what step stools are for, however, use with caution always and make sure someone is around or keep your cell phone handy in case you fall. That's the new "Help, I've fallen and I can't get up!" gadget. I hope you do something special today JUST FOR YOU to celebrate! If we were closer we'd all come over and sing to you and bring you a cake with 80 candles to blow out. So maybe it's better we all live out here in blogland instead of next door to you! LOL. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Sandra, Happy Birthday to you! AND MANY MORE!!!

  11. Happy 80th Birthday sweet friend!!!!
    And I must say, you look Wonderful!! I love all the photos!
    And I used to watch Young & Restless or Days of Our Lives and sometimes, that Irish one...can't remember it's name....lolol

  12. Happy birthday to you - hey you were a beautiful baby - but honey look at you now - better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I do know exactly what you mean and I would like to know when and how it happened! lol
    Sincerely, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  13. I'm so enjoying these comments! (See how much you're loved?!) Isn't it comforting to know how many of us are in the same (row)boat? "Incredible shrinking women" yes we are. Emphasis on the Incredible. Please, don't ever lose that wonderful smile! Happy #80 and EVER AFTER. (So there!)

  14. Happy Birthday from all of us!!! I hope you have a special and uneventful day!

  15. Happy Birthday Sandra. What a cutie you were as a child. You definitely do not look 80 to me. I hope you enjoy this day of yours, doing whatever you want. 🎂🎈🎊

  16. Now I can officially say Happy Birthday. Yesterday was just the rehearsal ,,haha,,
    You do look glowing in your 80 photo. and yes I am part of the incredible shrinking club too. Always been short but now more so..
    Enjoy your day, however you spend it.
    Me? Going to Walmart and the temp is going to be 103F
    Getting pretty tired of all the HOT !!

  17. Happy 🎂🎉 Birthday to you, Sandra, and you are still a "young-un" as we have you beat by a few years. I too have noticed that I seem shorter now so you are not alone. Enjoyed seeing all the then and now photos. I have a plaque hanging up by a collection of our younger self days, which reads: "We're Adults...When Did That Happen? How Do We Make It Stop?"

  18. Whoops, Sandra, I should read better because we're the young-uns at 75 years young, not old.

  19. Happy Birthday, Sandra. Beautiful memories through the years, just LOVE the baby and little girl shots. Hope you have a wonderful year to come.

  20. Happy Happy BIRTHDAY!!! I love you like a sister and you look amazing! I'm just four years behind you!

  21. You are amazing! I hope you had a wonderful day. This post is so sweet.

  22. Happy Birthday sweet lady! I hope you are still celebrating because I'm sending you LOTS of birthday hugs today! You are the BEST!

  23. Even though I am late commenting, Happy, Happy Birthday Sweet Lady! You bring joy to all of us.
