Thursday, September 19, 2024

Today I am Thankful


I never know where my mind will go or what I might think of or write about.
I stood staring at my back yard through the  kitchen window, making my mixed berry smoothie in the Bullet Blender, and realized I love looking out our windows when the sun is shining. 10 am is the perfect time to view.
I am thankful for our home, our views from our windows and for my bullet blender.
I love Gods Color wheel that paints our yard day by day

I am also thankful for my creative mind that is always ON and running and makes me see while turning , the fruit bowl and thinking primary colors of fruit.
My brain  hops and skips from thought to thought.

my brain skipped while I sat sipping my smoothing and the next thing I knew, I had found a color book page online, dumped it in the iPad to see if I could paint the box. 
I could and I did. I can drag and drop colors, I can color with crayons or charcoal or paint with water colors, or oil  paints.. its all there 
I just need to drive the brain to tell the hands what to do

Joining Brian's Home for Thankful Thursday
I am deeply thankful that a friend, Bev Whitcomb, told me way back in 2008 that she had a blog and sent it to me and brought all of you into my life.
I learned how to put a new pallett of colors in Procreate using a color wheel found on WWW
More colors to paint with.


  1. I didn't know it was Bev who introduced you to blogging! She lives here in town now and attends our church. The view out your window IS beautiful!

  2. we are super thankful for that too... and sometimes we only have to sit and to ponder about that... wow 2008... that is a long time and you made lots of memories ... they are so important, if we have days what are not really our days...

  3. So much to be thankful for. It's the little things that make life wonderful.
    How cool that you can do coloring book pages that way.

  4. I wish I remembered how we met...I am thankful for it.

  5. Hello,
    The view out your window is pretty. I am thankful for all the little things, blogging is one of them. Life is art, live yours in color. Take care, have a wonderful day!

  6. I love God's coloring too. Love your pool! And I am thankful for you!

  7. Such a colorful world you live in. We are thankful to have you as our blogging buddy. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  8. Your morning view is beautiful and so refreshing. I am thankful for you as a blogging friend and for the fun things your mind thinks about in writing some wonderful post.

  9. What a lovely view you have through your kitchen window! Your pool is so inviting! do you swim often? I would LOVE to be able to get in a pool and swim/exercise. They say it is very good for arthritis, and I am becoming more and more in need of that help day by day. I love that you enjoy the beautiful colors that God has given us to enjoy...what a drab world this would be if everything was in black and white like our old TV's from the 50's and early 60's! Remember when we saw our first color TV? I remember watching Bonanza at my Aunt and Uncle's house in Crafton, PA. I thought they had to be very rich to have a color TV! They were richer than we were, for sure. We had B&W for quite a few more years before we could afford a color tv. Now we just take it for granted. I am VERY thankful that God gave us such a colorful world to enjoy!! We are blessed to have eyes to see!! Have a lovely day!

  10. That is a gorgeous view!!!! and your smoothie sounds delish
    Hugs cecilia

  11. What a beautiful Thankful post today.....You do have a lovely window view, and beautifully creative mind!!

  12. I am so thankful for you too. Love this post and your views. I love how your mind works and the uplifting feeling of this blog.
    I love our mutual friend Beverly and what you both mean to me. Its her birthday today. Wish we could be together to celebrate.

  13. I love the way your mind works! In turn, oftentimes you prompt me to think outside the box. Now I need to quit pouting about what I can't do and look out the window at all God's given me.

  14. I am very thankful for how your creative minds thinks up all these interesting thoughts and activities. And for you most of all.

  15. I enjoyed reading the things you're thankful for. Very, very cool.
