Thursday, November 7, 2024

October 28th After Hurricane Milton Tree story1


Oct 28th, while in the bathroom, I heard a beweep beweep and a loud noise, came racing down the hall and peering out the window, I spied with my nosy nose and big eyes, the Scooper Thingy come to take the tree from the back yard away, it had been there for about a week. Racing to find the cell phone, take photos out the window, they were to small, I raced to the iPad and stood it in the window and took about 40 photos. ha ha might be more. All the racing around made me MISS the big log they dropped on the siding to the truck, but I did see the aftermath and the idiots that were trying to take the tree.
I laughed so hard, and spewing what was going on to the Man On The Couch who was trying to watch a football game, blow by blow. They were trying to put the side back on and I said to The Man, I am going out there and tell them how to do it.


They finaly got the side back on and decided they could not take the big tree with that scoop, so moved to the small pile next to it.

I settle back with the iPad and enjoyed the next half hour of total idiot in the orange thing trying to scoop debris into that truck

while school buses, power trucks and All the Traffic passed by, the Traffic Was Angry because it was causing a mess. I was happy- happy because I could sit in my chair and watch the chaos out my window on the world. 

They chugged that scooper thingy down to the other three piles of logs in our yard and made a terrible mess. Suddenly I heard Beeping, and loud revving motors and low an behold I spied A Bigger Better Stronger BOBCAT!  this one was a DEERE or so it said on the side.

I entertained myself, and aggravated Bob, at the same time, and had a blast watching. When they left the stump and 3500-hundred-dollar pine tree remained, and they left logs in the street and piles of debris all over the yard. to be continued 

today is Thankful Thursday at Brians Home and we are thankful for all the workers and thankful I had o much fun watching these machines and thankful most of the mess is gone


  1. This looks like great entertainment value (or expensive entertainment value).

  2. Those dudes weere more clutzy than I could ever stand by and just laugh as you least while my yard is a mess, they didn't ruin anything more in the process. I would have had a conniption if they did...I just read about your mailbox saga, too.... Good grief! We never had one here at all till a year ago, and we had to notify the USPS that we now did have one...the mail seems to not come by automatically when you have a new box.

  3. Now that's entertainment. Maybe they could call themselves "The New 3 Stooges"

  4. That was entertaining! I always have fun looking out your window.

  5. Hello,
    LOL, I run around my house looking out the windows for birds and critters. I am still amazed at the price of the tree removal, we paid that much to have 2 tall pines tree taken down. I am sorry you were left with a mess in your yard. Thank you for your comment. Take care, have a great day!

  6. Post hurricane entertainment and no charge for admission! Seems to me like a lot more fun than a football game.

  7. I love Ann"s comnent... it sounds so fitting.

  8. You and I would make quite a pair watching all that fun with cameras in hand and running to whatever window we could get the best view! Yes, I drive my hubby crazy too when something is going on outside that I just have to get a picture of...I love it! Thanks for sharing. I am sorry they left a mess and damaged things, etc., but at least it provided some good blog fodder! We enjoyed the story! Have a wonderful rest of your day!

  9. You and Pam and I are three of a kind! I've been entertained all week by the goings on next door. In fact, I suspect I missed my true calling -- how I longed to be younger and behind the wheel of the big earth movers with the mechanical jaws.
    I love the way you narrated this account!

  10. So much debris everywhere. It will take months and months to clear. I wonder where they will take it all. Maybe a far away vacant lot to eventually burn when the drought has passed.
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. You made this story a fun one for all your blogging friends..I know this was not fun when all of it was happening....but I love how you turned the bad in to a good story... Hopefully soon, you all will be able to look back at this story and see just how strong you were through all of this.

  12. Well, it sounds like you managed to get some entertainment out of it even if perhaps the job was not "expertly" done... ;-) I can only imagine there must be sooo many jobs like that that need doing now that one has to be grateful to get help at all!

  13. I am glad to see this one tree remains and hopefully wasn't hurt. Oh my, the CLAWS on that thing! Seems these were kind of unskilled workers. And left logs on the STREET! OY!

  14. I'm glad you had some entertaining moments BOL. Your Nosy Nose helps you write the best posts!

  15. I just can't begin to imagine all the mess and debris from the storms. Unbelievably clutzy cleaner-uppers around. Thanks for giving us a blow by blow entertaining description of the disaster.
    I'll bet you could have moved that big dozer with the greatest of ease.
    Went to Walmart yesterday and found all the shampoos and creams behind locked doors. Went someplace else to help my self..Oy Vey... this isn't good.

  16. Your window on the world events make me giggle too. Those Bobcat's are cool, aren't they?! The fellas that we hire to clean the shrub brush and small trees from our property use one of those with a mulchy thang on the front. Now that's super cool. They make short work of a lot of mess for us.
    I didn't know my iPad will take photos. I've gotta check that out now. I'm missing out! LOL
    It is POURING rain right now (5pm) here in Offerman, Ga. That wet stuff is very welcome. We've been dry as powdered toast for weeks since Hurricane Helene. Thanking the Lord for His generosity.
    Love xx

  17. At least there was a bit of entertainment amidst al the chaos and damage. And your entertainment became the same for us:)

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  18. That was some interesting show you had going on out there! Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  19. I'm glad you could laugh with all that stress. So, the tree you spent the money on is still there? Did they destroy more of the back yard?

  20. Glad you enjoyed watching it. What a huge project. I think my sister was happy that they took down their old palm tree the day before the storm hit. My niece works for John Deere.
