Sunday, January 5, 2025

Living with Santa - BeauSpeak on Selfie sunday

  this post was scheduled for Dec 22, pulled because I was really sick and so was Mama. sorry about the Santa thing in January. ho ho ho

Mama and Daddy got married in 1985, in 1986 they bought a 78 Corvette, and two red shirts and 2 Santa Hats, and went riding around with the T-tops off and that started the whole thing is 6 dogs who have lived with Santa since then.  Corvette Photos HERE

I came along in 2020 and this is my 4th Christmas living with Daddy Santa and Mama Sandra Claus

Santa uses our living room for doing repairs to toys

Mama told me Daddy Santa was changing the time on his watch for this candid shot he never knew she took


Way back before I lived here Mama Sandra Claus was Santa at the Nursing Home for 7 years. She love them they loved her.

Mama collects Santas, because she is one and married one and has had 6 k-9 Clauses

I am called K9 6-Claus because Santa Claus and Sandra Claus are my pawrentz.
Tomorrow we will show you by Claus Siblings


  1. You all make beautiful Santa Clauses!

  2. Glad you are both recovered from tearing around the world delivering gifts. We hope 2025 is a good year for the Claus family.

  3. Happy new year to you, Bob and Beau. I hope you feel better soon. Over here it's snowing! I hope the weather is sunny today and always. Your photos cheer me. Love Linda P

  4. You are the perfect Claus family.

  5. Hari OM
    I have no difficulty at all in believing you to be the Clauses of Christmas fame! What fun... hug and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. Oh, how I LOVED reading this post and the links to the Corvette photos, etc. I learned something about you today that I did not know...and had so much fun in the reading of it and imagining you racing down the road in your corvette, with two young fellas racing beside you in a GTO through St. Pete! What fun!! I never had a Corvette or any kind of race car, but I used to drive really fast and can envision myself doing exactly the same thing (many years ago). I know better now, having had tickets for speeding that I'm not proud of, so I drive like a little old lady now. But I can dream too. I loved these posts and all the pictures. Sweet memories for you, Mrs. Santa Claus. Oh, and Beau, you did a great job of telling these stories!! You deserve an extra treat today!

  7. A Corvette! I knew you were cool.
    I like the Sandra Claus nickname. So cute. And how kind of you to visit others in Nursing Homes. I used to do that. Need to get back to it because those folks are lonely and need someone to talk to. It's a good cause.
    Love ✨

  8. Hello Baeu, :)
    Thank you for sharing all these lovely photos of your Claus family. I enjoyed seeing the Christmas past, and wish you and your family a happy Christmas future.

  9. It was great to hear from you Beau; it sounds like you are feeling better! Thanks for all the photos of the Clauses fast at work and bringing joy.

    Also thanks for the links to the corvette - what photos!! Your Mom is something else indeed! Great stories. [Kaitlin]

  10. You just made my day, Beau! The 3 of you Claus'es are better than any old Hallmark channel. (I once had a Corvette but wasn't ever as cool as your momma and daddy.)

  11. We love the Santa hats and think it is cool you live with Santa. Lee and Phod

  12. So do you get a lot of presents when you live with Santa and Sandra Claus? Or do you have to help them package up all the presents for all the kids around the world. That would be a quite a job.

  13. And Sandra, I love the picture of you and Beau.

  14. Now we know where Santa's workshop is really located
    Love the post
    Hugs cecilia

  15. You are blessed to have such a good home! And they are blessed to have YOU!

  16. Yes Beau you're a lucky boy to be living with Santa and Sandra Claus! :)

  17. All I can say is...the world needs more people like your Mama. Maybe it wouldn't be so messed up now.

  18. You're so lucky to live with two Santa's, Beau.

  19. I enjoyed this - I love Santa - and I enjoyed all your Santas!

  20. You 3 are so blessed to have each other. Love this and I am so glad you are all feeling better.
    Wow, that Corvette is awesome..I would love to fly down the road in one of those.
    Say a little prayer for my hubby Dave. We think he may have pneumonia..probably go to the Dr. tomorrow if things don't improve.. Sigh ...
    Enough already !

  21. Beau. Oh this post just made me smile all the way through it and I’m still smiling.
    SandraClaus, I really liked the photo of you and Santa when you first were married. A very pretty picture and you really haven’t changed.
    An all around fun post!

  22. Y'all really are the best Claus family every and you are so sweet Beau!

  23. Awesome car! I love all the photos of you and Bob. How wonderful of Mama Sandra Claus to give her time to the nursing home. Such a sweet post.

  24. Lovely photos! and I agree with Rose, you make a great Santa dawg :)
