Thursday, February 6, 2025

Benefits of illness BeauSpeak


I am slim, I am trim, just one of the benefits of my illness. 
I am fine now, but the vet thinks I might have Cushing's Disease.
While I was so ill last month, She fed me rice and boiled ground round. and only a little, 4 times a day, not even enough to keep a big dog alive. Add that to all the pacing and pooping and I did lose weight.

The good news is with the probiotics each day, my tummy is happy, and my poop is
Well, Perfect! Just like Me. Perfect!

Joining Brian's Forever Home for Thankful Thursday,
I am thankful I lost weight; I am thankful my Mama follows me and keeps me from getting sick again, I am thankful for being friends with all the humans and cats that live in Brian's' Home

walking with Mama, step it up step it up


  1. You are looking good, Beau. Not like some of the pampered and overfed dogs. You look like a dog should! Has Mama happened upon any natural helps for Cushings?

  2. he is looking fine now. I hope he keeps well and happy.

  3. dear beau we send hugs and lots of potp your way... for much and much good days for you

  4. Hari Om
    Beau boy, you're looking svelte and handsome and it's so good you're on the better end of health now! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  5. Hello,
    Good news, Beau, so happy you and your tummy are doing well.
    Keep on walking! Cute photos. Take care, have a happy day!

  6. Dear keep me smiling. so glad you are feeling better and that you have such a wonderful care taker. Happy Thursday.

  7. Looking good Beau. I'm glad you are better and that you have your mom to take care of you.
    I enjoyed the video. You walk the walk while your mom talks the talk

  8. Hey Beau! You are looking good and I'm glad you are feeling better. You have a wonderful Mom!

  9. Thank you for this update, dear Beau. I've been concerned about your tummy. When our girls' tummies get to acting out we usually give them unflavored Pedialite. True they can't stand it, but it does the job. I need to look what probiotics are out there to keep as an alternative.

  10. Beau our health is really and truly a wonderful thing to be thankful for...and I'm so happy you are better.
    Hugs cecilia

  11. what a sweet post my friend! I’m glad you’re feeling better. hugs to you and your wonderful mom!! 🩷

  12. Beau, you are one handsome canine. Your Mama takes such good care of you.. You have the best life.

  13. We're glad to hear you're feeling better and have lost some weight, Beau. Your mom sure is good to you.

  14. Good 'Ol Beau. He is looking good. Hope it's not Cushings Disease though. That's what took my dear sweet Maxie. There is no cure. 💔 Sending love & prayers. 💖

  15. You sure are looking svelt and handsome Beau...we love watching you on your walkies!
    Sunny & Rosy

  16. We are happy you are feeling better, Beau, and we are thankful you have such a very good Mom.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  17. I am so glad he is feeling better. That is good news.

  18. You have a beautiful coat Beau and you're looking very well. I'm glad you are feeling better. BIG HUGS.

  19. Illness is no plan for losing weight but I guess if it happens and you are well again then you take the good things from the bad.

  20. Beau,
    He's slim,
    He's trim,
    Fills us wth joy to the brim...

  21. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! I am happy you are feeling better! That is something to be thankful for indeed!

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Sorry about that ⬆️
    My spell checker messed me up.

    Beau, I’m so happy you’re feeling better. Laydee sends her 💕
