Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Pizza and Hot Water-Wordy wed


Last week I ordered from Little Caesars and the man left it on the white bench on front porch, as always.
He drove off I opened the door and yelled OH NO, because the 3 boxes were not from Lil Caesars.
I had been watching the door Dash delivery tracker and the man's name, and number was on it, but when he took the photo and drove off, cell # for the delivery guy disappeared.
 I called the emergency line on the email tracker, and he said he would give us a full refund, and to keep the pizza and reorder.
Bob wanted to eat the pizza, so I did not reorder.
Things Happen but there is a problem and it's not the fact that so far there is no refund. the thing that upsets me is............
Bob loved the Stoners Joint Pizza, all 3 types, and I do not like them at all. Now he says he has never liked Lil Ceasar although we have been eating it once a month for a couple of years. 

A Stoner cost 8 dollars more for a small, than what we pay for a large. 

COST plus I don't like it.
Now we are done with ordering and here is the REAL PROBLEM

I only order pizza because we get two days meals out of it and I DON"T HAVE TO COOK.

That was Saturday, 
Sunday, I got in the shower, and since the idiot who built our house in 1972, put the water heater in the garage and the bathrooms at the other end, HOT WATER takes a long
time to get to the shower. I shampoo hair with cold sprayer, let it drizzle hanging down, rinse hair only, shampoo again, and still waiting I soap every part of the body, and by then can turn on the shower and
have hot water...  NO HOT WATER! None Nada! 

I was shivering so hard after the cold-water rinse cycle, I had to put on my flannel gown and when I went in the living room, he said, why do you have on your gown? it's not cold!
the rest of the day I fretted in my head and researched reasons.
Monday at 3 am my eyes popped open and 
 I quick stepped out to the garage and flipped the thrown switch, and the thing came on and heated up and the water was hotter than ever
Then I fretted all Monday because I did not know WHY it threw the breaker.
The good news is, 10 days later we still have hot water, but every time I take a shower, I dread waiting for the hot water.


  1. I am impressed, you have the mind of a plumber! and of course we have the same problem. We wait and wait in the bathroom for hot shower water. And in the kitchen as well. when I am cooking, I just have to turn on the hot water and leave it run while I do other things it is so bad. My bet is that Bob will forget all about this new pizza.

  2. yes.. that is inside of us... I feel the same I nearly wait for having no hot water when I have shampoo on my head... always... bummer with the poizza... but men have a different taste than we girls...

  3. Woooah - I spent today researching waterheating technology. I want OLD tech - one of the little dedicated firebox things my Mum had. We could boil 80 gallons on a bucket of pine cones. I have gorse to use as fuel. Anyway I found a lovely lady called Meryl and she is going to design the whole thing (including a heat exchanger for underfloor heating, and solar water heating on the roof) and I didn't have to do any stress other than think up what I wanted - which I did years ago.

  4. PS - find a third pizza option - one you both like.

  5. Hari Om
    Plumbing is one thing I don't have to fret about in the van... that pizza order faffooo was annoying - I hope that refund does turn up (it can take a few days for these things quite often). YAM xx

  6. Cold showers are not something most of us like. You're a brave soul.

  7. Who knew that ordering a pizza could cause such drama? Maybe over time you can wean Bob back to the original. If not, I think you’re stuck with it. Thank goodness you didn’t call a plumber about the lack of hot water. He would have charged $129 to flip the breaker!

  8. We do not live close enough to have any food delivered.
    I would love to have some pizza delivered.
    I am glad you figured out the hot water problem.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  9. Any kind of electrical surge can cause were thinking! Good for you! Sorry you had the cold shower, for nothing.

  10. I don't know about water but our circuits get set off and I just reset them. Happens from time to time when too many things are running at once for us. Glad you got hot water back though.

  11. Wow, that's a big price difference in the pizza. Maybe you can save a pizza box from the place Bob likes and put the little Ceasars pizza in there every time you
    Yikes on the cold shower. I've had that happen to me but it wasn't a breaker it was just that all the hot water had been used up. I can relate to being freezing cold after getting out. I'm glad you got it figured out and have hot water again.

  12. Those things are both so frustrating! I'm impressed that you thought to check the breaker. I wouldn't have thought of that.
    I'm sorry about the cold shower, makes me cold just thinking of it.

  13. A mix-up with pizza and a cold shower in the same weekend—rough luck. The hot water situation sounds especially frustrating, and the mystery of the breaker adds an extra layer of stress. At least it’s still working, but that wait for hot water never gets easier.

  14. We make our own pizza here. It's cheaper and way better. If you don't like the pizza then it's a frustrating mistake. We all like what we like.

    Yay on the hot water heater. Good for you for knowing what to do.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. Scritches to handsome Beau. ♥

  15. We've never ordered from Door Dash, but from what I've read on 'Next Door' (app) they're not so reliable. Sometimes Tom will order just a 'plain Jane' pie and doctor it up with whatever leftovers we've on hand.
    I'm SO glad the water heater didn't warrant an expensive plumber bill.

  16. It has its advantages to rent from a big municipal housing company when it comes to things like repairs... I've never ordered pizza or other fast food to be delivered so no idea how that works here.

  17. Way to go on figuring out the hot water issues. So sorry about that cold shower. It gives me chills just thinking about it. I'm also sorry about your pizza delivery. That really sucked and I hope you get your credit. It's a shame you don't like it but also the price difference is huge too.
    A side note: Adam's first job was at Little Caesars.

  18. Cold Showers BRRrr ...I always have to let the water run before getting in the shower. It takes so long for it to get hot and the same with the kitchen one. Wasteful I know but I can't wash dishes in cold water or shower either. Glad you figured out the problem and it didn't cost you a fortune.
    We have never used Door Dash, but we do on occasion order from our local pizza place "Pizza Guys". There's is expensive but so good hand made. It sure came in handy when we were both sick and didn't get out of the house for days. That and Amazon became our close personal friends through that time.

  19. I'm so glad you figured out the hot water snafoo..Our bathrooms are also on the other side of the house, so I totally get it!

  20. I'm so glad you thought to check the circuit breaker!

  21. Whew that was a series of events not to be repeated especially a cold shower. WE make our own pizza sauce (it is yummy) I buy Pillsbury Pizza dough. I realize that is cooking but it is easy
    Hugs cecilia

  22. I would be very frustrated with waiting in the shower for hot water. Fortunately, our bathroom is right next to the hot water tank. It is immediate there.
    Now about the pizza - I agree - Bob might forget it OR try a different one.

  23. That is frustrating! We have the same problem with our water, takes three times as long to get it heated up in our bathroom. Glad you thought to check the circuit breaker.

  24. A cold shower would never appeal to our Mom - even just for her hair. She likes her water HOT, really HOT, even in the summer:)

    When the whole gang is here, it is either Papa John's or Domino's here But for just Mom and Dad, Mom makes her own with Pillsbury pizza crust, half pepperoni and cheese for Dad and half veggies and cheese for her.. Cheaper, HOT to serve, and tastier. AND we get pizza bones from the crust edges.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  25. That's a shame about the pizza! How strange to put the hot water tank so far away from where hot water is needed.

  26. Sadly, I don't think ANYONE ANYWHERE ever put the hot water heater close enough to where the hot water is really needed! We have the same issue, opposite ends of the house. In the morning I turn on the hot water and brush my teeth with the cold water while I wait for the hot, and take my pills and anything else I can think of doing while I wait for it to turn hot. Same at night when I take a shower. I just have to turn it on and let it run. Now, if I wanted to use the "guest bathroom" on the other side of the house near the hot water heater, I could have a nice hot shower in a hurry. But then my clothes and everything I own would be on the opposite side of the house and it would just be too much trouble. So we waste water while we wait for it to get hot, and we have to pay for our water too! Boo! Re: the pizza...That's really weird that he brought you the wrong pizzas from the wrong place! Maybe Bob won't notice the next time you order if you just don't mention it again. We've actually started picking up frozen pizzas at the Dollar General and then I doctor them up a little bit to make them better, and hubby says he likes them better than Dominoes. (which is our only pizza place close by). Problem is I don't have room in my freezer to buy them too far in advance. Always something, isn't it? Hope you are warmed up by now. It was 80 degrees here today, but started out at 43!!

  27. I get cold just thinking about it! I do wonder why the breaker was off... I don't suppose I would soap up till I was sure I had hot water.

  28. Hello Sandra :)
    I have the same problem with the hot water. It takes a long time to get hot and I kind of wait enough time before I get in the shower. Clever you for working out how to get hot water.

  29. I'm done with most on-line orders too. They're almost never right.
    Our house was special built for us in 1983. I was here during the whole process so I was the idiot and didn't think to have the water heater installed in the bathroom. It takes "forever" to get it allllllllll the way to the Master. *sigh* My bad. I'm thinking about having a small one installed in the Master. Gotta find a space for it first. That'll be quite a trick as we have a small house.
    Love & Blessings 😎
