Tuesday, May 31, 2011

About Aging

Only a TRUE MadSnapper would take photos of wilted gardenias. The bush was covered in them and smelled devine. I think they are pretty, remind me of a self portrait. ha ha

You know you're old if your walker has an airbag. Phillis Diller

A well dressed, debonair man in his mid nineties enters an upscale cocktail lounge and finds a seat next to a good looking, younger woman in her mid eighties, at the most. Trying to remember his best pick-up line, he says, "So tell me, do I come here often?"

Hymns for the over 50 crowd
1)---Precious Lord, Take My Hand, and Help Me Up
2)---It Is Well with My Soul, But My Knees Hurt
3)---Nobody Knows the Trouble I Have Seeing
4)---Just a Slower Walk with Thee
5)---Count Your Many Birthdays, Name Them One by One
6)---Go Tell It on the Mountain, But Speak Up
7)--Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah, I've Forgotten Where I Parked


  1. An original post! It is wonderful that you see and create beauty out of dying flowers. Great quotes too.

  2. I like the third one, it looks like an old man, eyes, nose, beard, hand scratching chin...

    Made me smile, I've been feeling very much "withered" lately

  3. The old believe everything, the middle-aged suspect everything, the young know everything.
    Hmm, I think I know everything..... :D

  4. Hi Sandra, great quotes!

    I agree with diane b.

    you just created such beauty out of those dying roses.

    Superb photos!

    betty xx

  5. Very well put.Now what was I about to do? :)

  6. *sigh*

    Those flowers are exactly what I look like.

  7. I too see a self portrait in these gardenias.... :-( The header is gorgeous. Love the songs. They fit me perfectly too...

  8. I just got around to catching up on comments your's are beautiful as usual.
    There is however TRAUMA in the Garden of Hope.

  9. Ha, ha! Thanks for the smile, my friend!

  10. I must admit that I got quite a few chuckles from this post, but too many of the statements are all too true.

  11. Life is beautiful even with dead flowers :) I know all the songs since I am over 50, 51 I am :)

  12. Hi Sandra, This is my first visit to your site since my stroke and such a happy time with thay gorgeous blue in your header picked up from the blue blossom. And of course thr "self-portraits" and other funnies filled my prescription for good medicine, AKA laughter.

  13. I must remember these hymns to share with the folks at the JOY (JUST OLDER YOUTH) club at church this month.... If I don't forget first.

  14. Well, if this gardenia is what you're giving me when we go to the prom, then the whole thing is OFF!! Ha ha ha ha!! I love the second joke, and the hymns!! Beautiful morning glory in the header!

  15. I haven't taken any pictures of wilted gardenias but only because I haven't seen any. I do have some of dried up hydrangeas though. even dead and dieing flowers make great photos. I think your gardenias are still quite lovely

  16. Everything ages don't they/we?

    And I loved the hymns for older people! Teehee

    I'm home now!

  17. I just about fell off my chair laughing at the hymns for the over 50 crowd. I think flowers are beautiful at all stages, even after the petals are on the ground. I like these shots, especially the last one (it even has age spots).

  18. Only a Madsnapper would take those pictures... Do you think we look like that now that we are older?????? ha ha (I feel it!)

    Love those hymns.... Too funny... (BUT TRUE)...

  19. I laughed out loud - literally at that first one! A walker with an airbag....I'll have to tell my grandmother that one!!! She doesn't have an airbag on hers - and she's 94 - so she'll love to know she's not old!!! ;o)

  20. This was cute..and enjoyed the Phillis Diller one! I think flowers in various stages are cool and many just get deeper in color. I haven't dried any in awhile but would do so then put them in Christmas wreaths.

  21. Hi Sandra, we just bought a gardenia plant last weekend (Grenville loves the scent). and will be planting it this week. Now I know what the dead flowers will look like.
