Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day 2011

 UPDATE; to answer Ruth's comment below. To me Memorial Day is the day we remember those that died in battle, and that includes ALL the ones, on ALL the sides in ALL the countries, not just Americans. And all the hurting families too.

Wikipedia says this
The words "Lest We Forget" form the refrain of "Recessional" by Rudyard Kipling.
The phrase later passed into common usage after World War I across the British Commonwealth especially, becoming linked with Remembrance Day now known as Memorial Day observations; it came to be a plea not to forget past sacrifices, and was often found as the only wording on war memorials, or used as an epitaph.

Memorial Day is the day set aside to  remember soldiers that died in battles or from injuries received in battles.


  1. God bless those that have fallen for their Country and families.

    Btw, great photo!

    missed you!

    betty xx

  2. Even though this is an American holiday,I too am thankful for the USA and the men and women who sacrifice so much so that even we in Canada have a better life.

  3. Hope you had a nice day. The flags make a proud picture.

  4. I agree about what Memorial Day means. People on both sides suffer. We have been attending St. Stephen's Catholic church for 17 yrs. Before we start mass on Sunday, we always pray for soldiers, ours (Hinesville is a military town-Fort Stewart is there) and all of those on the other sides. All of these soldiers are doing their duty, defending their countries. Both sides suffer in war. God bless them all and their families.

  5. I love your info about Memorial Day. I sorta have the same thoughts on my blog today....

  6. I really like this picture -- it's perfect for Memorial Day.

  7. Wow to the picture! You must have traveled far and wide to find a building that exactly matches the flags in front of it!! Ha ha! Is it altered or straight out of the camera? Very artistic and almost other-worldly.

  8. Great thoughts and explaination. This definitely is a day of remembrance.
    I'm thankful for those who have gone on to serve and defend.

  9. I am thankful and am remembering all the men and women who gave their lives and who served our country to protect us and our freedom.

    I am still having posting issues.


  10. God bless all the brave men and women who serve their country
    Happy Memorial Day to you

  11. Love your header Sandra!! nice job!
    In war..I think there will always be confusion, sorrow and loss for either side. Apparently either side can become involved for misguided or wrong reasons- which makes it worse. It's hard grab on while the rocks are slipping beneath and hold onto our faith and what our founders invisioned I can only imagine what our soldiers must go through? (my memorial day musings (lol).

  12. I forgot to say- a blessed Memorial day to you and your family!!

  13. Gorgeous post, Sandra. Thanks so much. We don't ever need to stop thanking those service men and women who did (and are doing) so much for OUR FREEDOM. God Bless them ALL.

    Happy Memorial Day.

  14. Wonderful post Sandra, you really captured the spirit of Memorial Day. That is a great photo.
