Sunday, May 29, 2011



  1. Yikes! Can I trade a little of that for my cool temperatures?

  2. Well you could send it to me here in Chicago land, I would like some. We just finished with tornado warnings and a lot of rain. Not great weather for a picnic today.

  3. It's been that hot up here all week too! I can't keep enough water on all my veggies.

  4. We are landscaping in the heat, but not 100 dgrees !
    More like 90....
    I'm not the heat-loving type any longer :)

  5. You have us beat today, Sandra. It was about 85 degrees a couple of hours ago, but heat indices of over 100 degrees are predicted for this coming week. Glad to be able to comment again on blogs. Many thanks for all your helpful comments, especially about using pop-up comments vs. embedded comments. Enjoy a wonderful weekend, despite the heat!

  6. Give me our cool temps to that any day!! That's why I only like to visit Florida!! In fact, my Florida sister is on her way to visit me.


  7. Ours says 88℉ but it feels hotter.... what a day for my weather station outside to run low on battery power! My daughter, on the other hand, is out in Reno, NV and she sent me a text late last night.... "IT"S SNOWING!!....AGAIN!!!" I looked this morning and it was in the low 30's but should be back into the 70's by tomorrow. I laughed at the snow but sure could use the temps... and the low humidity. I wonder if she had to break out her boots again? Hahahahaha!

  8. you should come here and cool off in our 84 degree weather. hope you guys aren't melting there :)

  9. Yikes..well I'm sure a lot of people would still like that weather right now!! Even just to hang that up (lol)..forgot to sat I like God's green leafy shadow below!! Stay cool-

  10. We just got up from a nap and it is now almost eight o'clock!! I know you will be heading off to bed and will see this Monday. Yikes!!! I hope you stayed in the house all day!! It didn't get 95 here like they said, but close to it!! Just read in the paper that this year is the worst for tornadoes since 199o something...

  11. We Brits never experience that type of heat and I am thankful. We have had it in the 90's but I find it horrid. I was born in Newcastle and grew up with penguins HA HA HA. When the sun comes out in Newcastle they call the police and report a UFO sighting.

  12. oh boy...we were in the 90's....

  13. We had a high of 60+ and very humid. Tomorrow is supposed to be in the 80's. Also interesting reflection in the thermometer. Did you plan that?

  14. Ouch! We had a high of 87 yesterday. Currently we are 77, going to 87. Much better than 100! Very humid here. Have a Happy Memorial Day!

  15. Our temperatures are flirting with 95°, so I hope we don't catch up with you.

  16. Looks like an ice cube indicator to me... the higher the needle climbs, the more ice cubs you're going to need!!! :o)

  17. That's the opposite of what we are having in the Central Valley of California. Cool temps., wind, rain and snow in the foothills. Totally crazy. We yearn for warm and you are yearning for some cool.

  18. I wish we could both reach some kind of compromise! (Here we've been closer to 10C/50F this week.)

  19. It's 93 in Cincinnati - but you have us beat! Yikes.

  20. I would say "bring that on right over to my house". Although I have nothing to really complain about. I know a lot of people have it way worse (with being cold). I just miss seeing the sunshine. I love summer, the warmth and I do not care if it is over 100. Can you bottle that up?

  21. Eww! I say that because I know you have the humidity too! We are still in the high sixties but our triple digits are coming.

  22. I do believe I will stay here - rain clouds and all!!

  23. And I thought it was hot here!
