Sunday, May 29, 2011

Precious Memories

               Backyard Fence Painted by God's Sunshine

Grab your box of Kleenex and head over to The Blind Pig and read her story of The Wall.... don't miss it, it is the perfect tribute for Memorial Day....

When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; What is man that thou art mindful of him? And the son of man, that thou visitest him? For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour. Psalms 8:3-5


  1. God has blessed us so richly,by giving us memories.How awesome that is.

  2. Sandra your header is wonderful and I for one never forget. Kev

  3. One of my favorite songs. Love the header-and thank you for the shout out!!

  4. Sandra thanks for your comment sorry to here that your polaroids are faded have you tried scanning them into photoshop to see if you can salvage them? If you don't have a scanner you can use your camera on the highest resolution and photograph them then put them into photoshop it is the same as scanning them.

  5. I really love that flag picture, it is lovely, they are all at half mast in the twilight, somber and fitting. Your sunny leaves are really pretty. And I like the video, I'm sure Betsy will go nuts over all those waterfalls, and I love the fall scenes, that is more my speed!!

  6. Beautiful and touching.
    I love your header too. Its a perfect reminder.
    I too will never forget.

  7. Love the song, I grew up with it :) Beautiful picture painted by God!

  8. simply beautiful. That's a great shot in your header

  9. I just checked out the Blind Pig and read the post..I enjoyed it- what a story! Thanks Sandra. I love the Psalm and that song is pretty..wishing you a lovely day.. (comments seemed to be working) smile)) switching made a difference and I realize it was the other set up on that blog I had trouble with? I'm scratching my head again....)

  10. Your header is absolutely wonderful, and the song is one of my favorites. Thank you so much.

  11. Well I love the painting of your back yard with God's sunshine.
