Saturday, May 28, 2011

Buds and Begonias

Magnolia bud (click on photo for details)

Tell them dear, that if eyes were made for seeing,
Then beauty is its own excuse for being
~Ralph Waldo Emerson, "The Rhodora"

Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it. ~Confucius
My friend gave me this pot when it had tiny little seedlings in it. She says the plant will have large purple flowers. they started to grow and the itty bitty begonia appeared. they are now ready for Bobby Appleseed to transplant. As soon as the purple blooms YOU WILL SEE IT. Trust me HA HA


  1. That is an unusual bud. You are lucky to have a Bobby Appleseed. I love your appropriate quotes.

  2. I am looking forward to seeing those flowers.The little Begonia looks a lost among those other plants.

  3. I love the Confucius comment because it is so true. So many people can't see the beauty of nature and how diversified it is.

    Well - except for the desert through southern Idaho and then I have to join that club. Sagebrush and vast expanses.


  4. I think I forgot to tell you yesterday how much I love your header. Well, that magnolia bud looks like a scepter or a finial or something, I've never seen anything like it. I have some magnolia pictures and don't see this, I just found them in my picture file and they don't look anything like this. BUT mine were in full bloom and almost spent, wonder if yours are right before they bloom? Fascinating. In the second picture, the leaves look frosted, but I see that is the effect of the light. I'm up early this morning because I'm expecting a visitor, a friend bearing gifts, my new high powered handicapped toilet!!

  5. I'd never have recognized that as a magnolia bud either. But I did recognize the begonia ;)

  6. Hi Sandra, That little begonia just wants to be in the company of those soon-to-be purple flowers.... ha

    Great pictures this morning (as usual)... That Magnolia bud is just perfect.. Show us again when it blooms...

    Love the Confucius comment. SO true.

  7. My mom loves begonias, but we have to plant them every year here and I really get tired of that. They used to have these concrete planters along their front walk and every summer Dad would plant begonias and every winter, ornamental cabbage.

  8. the quotes are so appropriate with the photos ...

  9. You have a green thumb along with your photographic talents. I like the header also. I especially like the magnolia. We don't get those up here at all.

  10. The detail on the first image is amazing Sandra

  11. I really like your picture of the magnolia bud. I've never noticed the details on them before. I hope your pretty little begonia gets a less crowded spot in which to show off its pretty blossom.

  12. I've never noticed that part of the magnolia after the petals were gone, it has a very regal look.

    Begonias have a very old fashioned beauty, I probably think that because my grandmother always grew them. For some reason they don't like to grow for me.

    Yay, you have pop-up! My fav.

  13. That Magnolia bud is beautiful..(must I remind you that it's my fave..and the better to see it enlarged my dear!! Love the quote and bagonias are a pretty too-

  14. Hubby put on foxfire - finally and seems I am back up and running - what happened out there?

    And yes everything thing and every PERSON is beautiful!

