Thursday, May 19, 2011

Gulf Fritillary Mating Dance

Photo's from the camera with no edits except cropping. Today "In the Air" Saturday will be On the ground.
Life can be just plain amazing! Yesterday, Hubby yelled in the back door, "come quick, bring the camera". For me that is a battle cry, so I rushed out the door with Rebel in hand and this is what I found.
The Gulf Fritillaries are HERE! they came to the Incubator Bob trained up the fence (for that story click here)  OR the easy way to see about all the Species that have visited us is click on the label Butterflies on the side bar.

This is a second post because I can't wait until Saturday... toooooo excited.....
For 4 short minutes, with my camera on sport mode and burst, I snapped and snapped and snapped.

For info on these butterflies and to see what will be happening in our back yard for the next few weeks
go here  Life Cycle of Gulf Fritillary


  1. They are beautiful.... good eye to catch them as you did.

  2. beautiful shots as they dance in the air ...

  3. Love your header. Great butterfly shots. Enjoy and take more shots before they are gone.

  4. Sandra you continue to out do yourself.
    What can you possably do better.

  5. WOW! Great shots! Your posts are amazing! I am so happy we are friends....

  6. How romantic!
    I especially love that the photos were taken against that wonderful fence!

  7. The butterflies are beautiful. Love the battle cry :)

  8. These butterflies are gorgeous and the photos also! I went back and refreshed myself on some of the older posts on how these beautiful creatures came to inhabit your yard. Very interesting. I am with Snapper II, you are outdoing yourself! Keep us posted on the babies....

  9. those photos are stunning!!

    great colour harmony and focus!

    betty xx

  10. So beautiful and so beautifully captured. You do get the best shots. Excellent work, as usual.

  11. I can see why you were excited. These are excellent pictures. Well done!

  12. Hi Again, Those Fritillaries are absolutely GORGEOUS... Love the colors... AND seeing the butterflies is another great sign that summer is coming...

    Thanks... I can understand why you are so excited.

  13. So now it is Mr. and Mrs. Samar PI

    They are awesome! Great pictures.

  14. Teilläpäin ovat perhoset kauniita katsella ja kuvasi tosi hienoja.

  15. THese are great and I can't wait to see what will happen next.

  16. Nice work- to both of you! That is one of my favorite colors..I think your motion flutterby shots came out execellent(this is the reward)..lovely header too-

  17. Oh I don't blame you for doing a second post. How exciting. Those are just gorgeous. The fence makes a great backdrop for these

  18. Passionflowers? I planted two out near the preserve. We had gulf fritillaries last year but I had no host plant for them. My black swallowtail and monarchs have come and laid eggs I guess in stealth of night or early dawn as I have not seen the butterflies... except the ones who overwintered and emerged earlier this month. But I have a lot of caterpillars.

  19. That is cool!!!
    Can't wait for more!
    Love that bright orange color they have! whoo!

  20. They are one of the prettiest orange colors I have ever seen. The perfect decoration for Fall. :) You are so lucky to have them in your yard. I try and find plants and flowers that attract them..
