Thursday, May 19, 2011

Jungle Gardens Flowers

Jungle Gardens is not all about parrots, flamingos and ducks. I found two never before seen flowers.
Shell Ginger, Above closed and walked a few feet and found below with a few opened

"What did the carrot say to the wheat?
Lettuce rest, I'm feeling beet."
- Shel Silverstein

I dod not know what this is, above is the bud unopened and below opened. Anyone know what it is?

"What does the letter "A" have in common with a flower?
They both have bees coming after them."
- Kim Roblin 


  1. The shell ginger is really pretty, the buds do look like shells. I have no idea on the other one but it is beautiful.

  2. I have the Shell Ginger in my garden but no flowers at the moment. I don't know the other one but it is very pretty with its symmetrical pattern

  3. Lovely flowers.What a difference when hay open up.Both are unfamiliar to me.

  4. Florida has such beautiful things growing. I need another trip. :)

  5. I am so glad that you got such wonderful shots of the mystery flower. I just love them!

  6. Beautiful flowers ALSO at the Jungle Gardens???? Wow---that is tremendous.... You will have to go back!!!!

    GREAT pictures today. Love the Shell Ginger.

  7. lovely flowers! those pictures are beautiful.

    my faves are those buds!! Great captures!

  8. The first plant does look like shells! And I am not sure of the second one either. You do have a lot of really wonderful things there.

  9. Both of those are gorgeous. In that first one I never would have guessed that it would look the way it does when it opens up. I have no idea what that second one could be but it's very cool looking.

  10. Both of these plants are new to me, but I really like the shell ginger.

  11. Never seen those before - but that last one looks like fireworks to me! Cool!
