Thursday, May 26, 2011

On The Way to the dentist Part two

I saw this outside Diane's front door at 6:30 AM

Liz Taylor’s house is for sale for 8.6 million.... I’m just sayin!

 At 12:30 it had changed to this. I have not seen a hibiscus this color before.
The real meaning of plant catalog terminology:

"A favorite of birds" means to avoid planting near cars, sidewalks, or clotheslines.

"Grows more beautiful each year" means "Looks like roadkill for the foreseeable future."

"Zone 5 with protection" is a variation on the phrase "Russian roulette."

"May require support" means your daughter's engineering degree will finally pay off.

"Moisture-loving" plants are ideal for landscaping all your bogs and swamps.

"Carefree" refers more to the plant's attitude than to your workload.

"Vigorous" is code for "has a Napoleonic compulsion to take over the world."


  1. Beautiful Sandra..they look artistic as well! sometimes lighting throws me! I can go outside and (especially with the purples or reds..take the picture I just stared at and it will come out a completely different shade of either!! Cute quotes too.
    Now you got me thinking about the embedded comments again..hmm??

  2. Love the progression of this flower from bud to open bloom. Beautiful color!

  3. Beautiful photos of the blossoms.
    Only 8.6 million? Wow! What a bargain. :)

  4. Beautiful photography as always. Are you still having problems with comments?

  5. Lovely series of photos. How was the dentist?

  6. beautiful crack me up...thanks again for all your sweet comments..

  7. Very cool! You find the best things to take pics of! VERY good eye! You should have notecards made and sell them! You pics are awesome!

  8. Love the pics of the beautiful flower. It is nice to see the progression of it!

  9. OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I LOVE it, I am excited, I need an asthma inhaler or something, maybe your best ever!! You've got me laughing and huffing and puffing. First, the beauty, and even a timeline! The second picture; those pod-like things, wow! And at first I didn't know what it was, a surprise to see the hibiscus. Then the JOKES!!! We are sitting on the couch and I read them to Phil. We laughed so hard that he chocked on his cereal!! Really!!! You have a hilarious, riotous beauty today! I am copying these jokes and putting them on our prayer line whenever I resume it, our congregation will adore them, so many are gardeners. It is SO good to see your blogs again. PLEASE be sure to take all your friends to the dentist from now on, you will be awarded best blog!

  10. I really like your photo sequence of the hibiscus. The color is truly striking. Thanks for the translation of the plant catalog terminology. It explains a lot.
    Are you going to make a bid on Liz's house? You'd probably have much more room for your plants and gardens.

  11. I haven't read part one yet - just saying.

    However I could look at flowers all dauy - especially when they come from this rebel...

    Beautiful and thanks for explaining the terms - I didn;t know all that!

  12. I'm glad you reminded me that Liz Taylor’s house is for sale so I can make an offer. Her California home in Bel Air is less than 40 miles from where I live now. I should be able to cheap up on my moving expenses :-)

  13. Love,love,love that Hibiscus.Maybe,I'll buy Liz Taylor's house.I have a little change saved up.LOL Love the definitions,too.

  14. Great pictures of the Hibiscus, Sandra. What gorgeous colors... You captured it well...

    Pull out your pocket change and buy Liz's home.... Okay????? ha


  15. Fabulous colours Sandra nice capture. Are you considering buying Liz's house?

  16. Oh I did an update on your post. Interesting about the sale..I sort of remember there being some kind of issue (family and her care provider). We know there always is with family huh!? Well, I'm taking a break from the garden..I get tired and rest. I've extended it with lava rocks and now must wait till after lunch and when it isn't so hot. (hugs)

  17. Hee missy!
    I got you an award!!! I don't know if you "do" awards but still.... you got one!

    Hope you come and pick it up over at my blog...


  18. The first and second photos are my favorites! They show potential. And isn't the anticipation usually more exciting than the actual event?

    Now about Liz Taylor's house.....
    I don't think my Social Security check will cover it.

  19. Love your definitions of those terms ... and the beautiful blossom.

  20. What a gorgeous hibiscus, I haven't seen that color either.

    The Zone 5 plants, I've had a few of those. They don't say the protection means a shelter with heat in the winter!!! Love your terminology list.

  21. Beautiful Flowers! Thanks for sharing!

  22. Those are pretty. I love the plant terminology definitions. so so

  23. Around here I had to raise the beds and add a lot of perlite to get the drainage so I could plant something other than "Moisture loving"... we have thick clay... needs lots and lots of amendments.
