Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Embedded Comments

again today those that have embedded comments we can not comment. that is why you are not getting any, i have tried all day and am giving up. arrrrh blogger. this is a blogger thing and hope they fix it or you could just change to pop up until they do,

PS on settings for your comments, there are three choices, Pop Up, Full Page, Embedded. The last one is the one with the problem now. this is just a heads up if you are not getting comments today, you can change it until they get it fixed.


  1. Its' annoying isn't it !
    Glad I was able to stop by and say hello, what a beautiful vibrant picture.

  2. At least today I can sign in. :)

  3. I know, I couldn't leave comments on a few of my favorite blogs today.

  4. Well phooey. I'll change mine to not embedded for a while.

  5. I haven't had trouble.. don't know why!!!! BUT--I hate the embedded comments (as you know).... I wish Blogger would do away with that option.

  6. I'm on my way to check, thanks sister!!!

  7. What's really weird is that I can sometimes comment on the embedded ones if I'm in Firefox but not when I'm using IE.

    I really dislike embedded comments anyway so I'm with you on seeing them go away totally.

  8. I haven't had problems leaving comments tonight except for on one blog.

  9. Sabdra, yes these recent blogger hiccups are getting pretty frustrating. I have taken your advice and changed comments to pop-up. My problem has been that I sign on and then when going to leave comments it shows up as anonymous and not as Beatrice...just so you know if it does that here too. using blogger.

  10. Forgot to tell you that I throught the magnolia photos were magnificent. It's such a lovely and large bloom, but we don't have any here yet that I have seen. They may b bloomng, but there aren't any in our neighborhood.

  11. For once I am okay - and I am afraid to go check what embedded comments even look like - you are a dear to help us.

  12. Thanks foe letting us how to make the change. Pop up seems good. I love the humor in this post Sandra.
