Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Answer is.....

 Yesterday post asked if you recognized this commercial from TV. See if you know by the end of the scroll down. and YES, if you have a TV you will never run out of POST is you are a MadSnapper

That little umbrella means this little guy has his toys and bones protected by TRAVELERS Insurance, Just Like Me on our cars..... Ya think the reason I like it is because of the DOG???? if so you are RIGHT
Here you go in case you don't watch TV OR live in another country.


  1. That is the cutest little dog, he is perfect for this commercial. This is one of the few commercials that I don't mute.

  2. I do agree with your last post. I started out blogging just for photography, and found some great friends. I do look forward to your post. You have a great personality i must say. Yes I do know this commercial.

  3. I don't watch much TV,but I do know that some of the commercials are really good.

  4. Very cute. And I seem to be back IN after being SHUT OUT all day... Probably was a Firefox browser problem.

  5. I have NEVER seen this ad!!!! And of course I LOVE it!!! He looks like our Duke!!! Well, just a bit, Duke is cuter.

  6. I do not watch commercials.
    Pretty darn cute.
    I know several orange cats that would be mortified by the photos!
    Funny Sandra...

  7. I would recognize that dirty mug anywhere!!!!

  8. OK now I know the commercial. The dog looks a little like Duke although larger so I'm thinking it's not a Westie but he sure is cute

  9. I must live somewhere else - I have never seen it - but I think it is adorable! So cute. I never would have guessed.

  10. Oh this was so the photos!!

  11. I must not watch enough TV because I don't remember ever seeing this commercial. It is very cute!
