Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Me, Myself and I on blogging

 I love some commercials and this one is my favorite right now. can you guess which company this commerical is for? do you recognize it?

For Me, Myself and I....
blogging is not about how many followers you have
it is not about how many comments
it is not how many countries/states/people view your blog
the numbers do not count for me....(but  I do love comments so KEEP them coming Please)

I met face to face with  my first blogger friend this week, Peggy who has 3 blogs. we sat in Cracker Barrel for 2 solid hours yakking. Don't miss her stunning photos, click on her name

to me blogging is communicating with  strangers that become people that I know their names and sometimes faces it is about knowing them but not knowing them, friends I have never met face to face.

there are blogs I follow that never comment, I follow because I love their photos.
I love blogs because of ... Pets, Photos, Words, Communication, Emails, Friendship, support, Prayer and just plain old  FUN. and sometimes meeting and greeting by phone or in person.

Some I follow that and  know there name, address, husband's name, or fact they live alone, what they drive and eat and where they shop, foods they like and foods they don't, blog friends that send surprise presents (thank you to those 5 of you that sent me Seeds, Book Marks, Angel, Calendar and a set of personalized cards)
I love the close relationship bloggers and the ones that are not so close, I love them All

ENJOY your blogging, don't make it a JOB, have fun, love and be loved, dont fret if people like or do not like your post, do it for yourself because you love what you are posting and KNOW that some will like it and some will not.
some are good with words, some are superb photographers, some are funny and some are sad, if this were not true ALL POST would be the same and boring.
Blog on bloggers, I am LOVING ALL OF YOU and LOVING BLOGGING. 



  1. Sandra, I think you pretty much summed up what blogging is all about. I love that I can communicate with folks from around the world and chat with them like a next door neighbor.

    The exciting part would be meeting some of them like you and Peggy.

    I love that commercial! It's rare that I like a commercial enough to drag my hubby over to watch it. I won't give away the name away but it involves a big red insurance umbrella. That little dog is so cute.

  2. When it becomes a job is the day I will quit. Well, unless somebody begins to pay me for this drivel. Stay tuned for my blogger luncheon coming up that I went to in Salt Lake. I think it's scheduled for Friday.

  3. I agree totally with your post Sandra. For me Blogging is about connecting with people sharing an interest and a laugh.

  4. Yes,blogging should be fun and not a job.I have discovered so many new friends through blogging.My world is richer because of them.

  5. blogging is glad I found your blogs...or you found my blogs...I don't remember which happened first...

  6. Great post Sandra. Your blog is always interesting,encouraging, motivating. And I'm always amazed at how kind and careing people can be.
    God Bless.

  7. Blogging has become, for me, "meeting" up with friends each morning. I actually become concerned when regular posters don't post!!


  8. You've said it quite wonderfully Sandra! I too have made some awesome new friends through blogging and I've had the privilege to meet a few of them. I hope to meet more of them in the future. Blogging has opened up a fun new hobby for me and a way to share my photos. And it's a great way to learn something new.

  9. AGREED! I love all of my blogging friends! It is a special time of day for me to visit everyone!

  10. I must admit I love that commercial, it's Chopper hiding his bone, and being covered by Traveler's Insurance Group.
    I so enjoy visiting your blog, always wondereful photos to enjoy !

  11. This is a great post!! The hibiscus header is fabulous, and looks like you mad it out of tissue paper! I think your words will encourage a lot of people. How on earth did you get a different color for each paragraph? I don't ever remember seeing this commercial, but I must have. All I can think of is dog food, but of course that's way too obvious!

  12. I'm not acquainted with that commercial but those puppy dog eyes are a winner ... as are your thoughts on blogging.

  13. Great post Sandra! I know you have made many good friends through your blogging. We have been friends since jr. high and I treasure that friendship and I know your blogger friends feel the same about you. I am not a blogger myself, but my other half, Snapper II, loves his blogging! He loves hearing from all of his blogging friends!! Love ya, Madeline

  14. Thank you and it would be ok to say Kim:) I am always worrying about making sense. Thank you, I will just blog....You do a great job (not a job) with your blog.

  15. nope, no idea what commercial that is.
    I feel the same way about blogging. I used to read all kinds of stuff about increasing traffic and upping your stats and realized it just doesn't matter. I've made some great friends, I'm having fun and I'm doing it my way.

  16. Is it the Travelers Insurance commercial? The little dog is so worried about a "cat" burglar. It is one of my favorite too.. along with the Geico ones... the woodchucks chucking wood (love the laugh) and the one about Lincoln being honest.

  17. And I LOVE YOU! haha
    Great blog and you took the words out of my mouth!

    Thank you but NO i have no idea about the commercial....


  18. Oh my dear - what truth lies in your post. It is another thing I struggle with. Blogging without obligation - it is so hard sometimes. I do love all my blog friends so.

    I don't know the commercial.
