Tuesday, June 28, 2011


 CAWWWW  what's in here?
CAWWW come one come all, buffet is OPEN
 CAWWWW   Wait, let me open it for you
CAWW  adid you hear me? it's open and it's free.

The Funny Side....
Do hungry crows have ravenous appetites?

Moral of this story. Take your camera with you every time you leave home, I shot these down the street from home, shooting from the car window....


  1. Fun shots, crows always put on a great show. He seems a little upset that no one else is showing up.

    Good advice, never leave the camera behind.

  2. LOL! I like them. True never leave your camera behind.

  3. funny!!
    i really enjoyed those shots!

    great moral, too!
    soo true!

    betty xx

  4. These birds have a rave-nous appetite. I watched them in the yard the other day, all kinds of birds were trying to attack them, I feel sure they had raided another birds nest.

  5. Crows are quite the birds. Very aggressive. They attack cats here .... and humans dogs or whatever when they get too close to their nests. It's kind of funny to watch.

  6. Sandra this is true - I take my camera EVERY WHERE now because of you! teehee Great example!

  7. These are some really smart birds!

  8. Great post....Beth takes her camera EVERYWHERE! She says you never know what you might see!

  9. That's funny! Great captions to go with your pictures too! I always have my camera with me! You just never know what you might see.

    Have a Great Day!

  10. Wow!! What a catch!!! I adore your captions!! It's hard for me to get good pictures of crows, because they are just all black and don't show up well, unless they are doing something interesting like THIS!!

  11. One thing I do know is that crows are not picky eaters.I do have to say,I don't like them on my yard,they scare the other birds away.

  12. I've had crows on my mind for days-this is perfect for me : )

  13. loved the funny side!!! (i was able to click on your parrots to come over).

    glad it wasn't YOUR trash!

  14. It's always better when it's someone elses trash getting ripped open :)
    It is a good idea to always have a camera with you. I've been wanting to get a small one to stick in my purse. Even the point and shoot that I have is a little large.

  15. These birds are so clever great spot Sandra and like the new header.

  16. never leave home without it...

  17. You are so right... I never seem to have my long lens when I need it.

  18. How funny..I agree..love the captures. Still no camera so my cell phone has to do. I call my Myna's crows and I'm in the process of reinforcing their cage. The one which kept getting out (though they all did) started gathering sticks and leaves to put between the tarps we have above our porch. Then she decided to attack me. She would dive at me then chatter and talk!! So I put them in their old cage until I fix the big one.
