Friday, June 3, 2011

Breaking News on Million Bells

Update on my  two post on Million Bells blooming. They are NOT million bells. Thank you to Regina Kilauea Poetry for identifying them for me.
 These lovely purple flowers are Kings Mantle also called Bush Clock Vine and are from Africa
For info on Kings Mantle Click Here  for info on Million Bells click here. I  agree with Gina, do you? 


  1. Actually I was wondering a little with your last post because the leaves on your plant seemed different than on mine. But since your shots were close up I wasn't sure; and I'm no expert anyway. Never heard of King's Mantle before (not by that name anyway). Whatever it is, it is a beautiful plant and one to enjoy and be proud of!

  2. BWAK? I agree with Gina. Even the leaves on the King's Mantle look more like yours! The King's Mantle are even prettier than the Million Bells. Who knew? Well, Gina for one.

  3. "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet." Million Bells by any other name would look as beautiful.

  4. I knew they lode different than the Million Bells grown here,but I thought that perhaps another plant had the same name.Pretty no matter what the name.

  5. Hey - you did okay by me. To me they are just f-l-o-w-e-r.

  6. They are beautiful by any name ...

  7. I love how we can count on our blog friends to educate us. I often need help with identifying and can usually find it in the blogosphere.

  8. Since I have no idea of the name? I cannot give an opinion except little blue (violet) flowers :)

  9. If you didn't have the leaves, I am not sure you could tell the difference!

  10. Hi Sandra,
    I'm so glad you're still blogging!!! I've missed your lovely photography and especially your sense of humor. Hopefully I'll be back blogging more regularly soon. LOVE your header today! Karen

  11. Sorry, but I do think Gina is right - but I never would have known. They are pretty by any name.

  12. whatever they are they are very pretty...

  13. Whatever they are, they are just GORGEOUS.... We can just call them Madsnapper's Gorgeous Flowers!!!!!!! ha

  14. It's been so long since I have seen Million Bells that I really didn't remember. Either way they are gorgeous little blooms. Now I will be looking for Million Bells plants.

  15. so beautiful flowers.
    gorgeous blooms.

    great purple.

    betty xx

  16. Whatever they are they are very pretty. Such a contrast between the two colours.

  17. Your yard must be a paradise with all those beautiful flowers and pops of color... how wonderful!

  18. yes I would have to agree, the leaves on the kings mantle match what you have

  19. I'm in town still (that's why the delay)..oh thank you for the link. They do looks so alike- love your pretty header. Wish you a lovely evening and Sunday!

  20. You know, looking at yours..I think mine could use some more fertilizer (more so too because of that rock)-

  21. How did I miss this post?
    I love the colors, the light, the anything of plants and flowers. Wish I could grow this one in my area. Great post here, thanks.
