Friday, June 3, 2011

Their HERE!!!

Our first two Gulf Fritterary caterpillars are HERE today!!! They have been laying eggs for a couple of weeks now and today there are 2 caterpillars about a half inch long. To see them laying eggs CLICK HERE
Bobby Appleseed A.K.A. Hubby stated this while I was Snap!ing
"they will be beautiful butterflies if they don't die from the flash!"  Oh YES he did say this to me, and HE is the one that named me MadSnapper....

 Looks like a Caterpillar roller coaster to me, but it is a passion plant which is their host plant. WHOO HOO

Only two weeks since the mating dance... amazing.


  1. Wow you've got a great playground for them there ;)

  2. Well those caterpillars sure picked a grand spot to host their little shindig :)
    Great shots. So was your husband serious about the flash killing them? I've often wondered when I'm taking pictures of bugs with my flash on if it would harm them in some way. Of course I keep right on snapping while I'm thinking about it

  3. Great photos Sandra. Greatdetail

  4. I love the curly vine they are on.This makes a beautiful picture.

  5. Now I know what to look for when (and if) my passion flowers ever take off. I have been able to keep the squirrels out of the rose garden and off the patio and out of the yard for a week now with an ultrasonic yard guard. But they still are behind the fence and are still digging next to the passion flower. Also having a hard time finding monarch eggs or caterpillars... except by chance.

  6. You got some great pictures of the caterpillars on their roller coaster. I'm sure the flash didn't hurt them at all.

  7. It does look like a roller coaster ride for caterpillars!! And man - every thing for them - time - is so speed-ed up!

  8. awesome photos...silly hubbies..they always have something to say don't they...

  9. The Caterpillars can ride that roller coaster as long as they so desire!!!! Perfect place for them. Great pictures, Sandra.

  10. you just created art out of those caterpillars.

    those photos are so artistic and minimal.
    you're so gifted!

    love them!!!

    betty xx

  11. You'd think they would get dizzy and fall off. LOL Cute fuzzy wuzzies


  12. Great pictures! It is amazing they have come this far in just two weeks. Nature is amazing!

  13. WOW! What a capture - seeing that little cattepillar perfectly in the center of a "ring." Great shot.

  14. Woo hoo..oh my, how exciting!! Seriously, those are so cool- yes, like a roller coaster! Very lovely..can't wait to see the flutterby's
