Saturday, June 11, 2011

Catapillar Update

Caterpillar Update.... they are growing by leaps and bounds.... double their size every day.
A three-year old went with his dad to see a litter of kittens. On returning home, he breathlessly informed his mother there were two boy kittens and two girl kittens.

"How did you know?" his mother asked.

"Daddy picked them up and looked underneath," he replied. "I think it's printed on the bottom.
What do you get if you cross a glow worm with some beer?
Light ale!


  1. you just put a smile on my face, Sandra!
    wow, they really look bigger.

    neat and great macro of a caterpillar.


    betty xx

  2. Beautiful photos! Thanks for the smiles!

  3. I'm fascinated that they have kinda the same colour as they will have as butterflies.

  4. Sense of humor with a caterpillar! Nice pics too.

  5. Sandra,

    Very nice post. Your pictures are stunning and cute stories.


  6. That was cute - in spite of the caterpillar worms - interesting though. lol

  7. I had to double check and make sure I wasn't on Melange's blog. Really! These are really good shots, and quite suitably both creepy and pretty at the same time. Loving the shadow in the third shot! The kitten joke is a scream!

  8. Oh my - outta the mouths of babes...even in jokes. Too funny. Can't wait to see those catepillars morph to beautiful butterflys!

  9. THanks for the update.I will have to look for that printing,next time I see baby kittens.

  10. Now I will know not to squish these critters if they show up; they are baby butterflies. Thanks, Sandra!

  11. You riddles are the best! That caterpillar is going to eat you out of house and home!

  12. What a great series of shots. I love your vine also.

  13. One of my passionflower vines is growing well... the other is simply sleeping right now. I have six monarchs in chrysalides right now but I am worried that at least three of them are infected with the tachnid fly larvae. They were large when I brought them in. At the end of the season last year this became a problem and may be so even more now. The tachnid fly is a beneficial insect for bugs in the garden...but a menace for monarchs. Sigh. I hope to have some of these caterpillars someday as well.

  14. very cool caterpillar shots. Did you turn them over to see if they were boys or girls?

  15. Thanks for ending my day with a smile. The caterpillars are truly growing by leaps and bounds, and you've gotten wonderful pictures of them.

  16. Catepillars are cute little guys. Quite a life cycle they have.

  17. These fellows are cool, I love their bright color. They will be gorgeous butterflies.

    Love the joke, thanks for the giggles.

  18. I've missed the last few days so I'm just now catching up.
    Thanks so much for putting the smie on my face this morning.
    Love the quip about the kittens and the way you weave your story is just priceless.
    I needed a pick me up today. (:0)
