Friday, June 10, 2011

Ditto: blogger is killin me

I found this at the Runaround Ranch today and it says just how I feel, the title is
Blogger you are killing me AND it is once again. she has some great points.

once again i have found blog I can not comment on, the dreaded Embedded Comments. PLEASE change away from that if you still have it. some of you i could not comment on at all, it was not because I did not Try. this try, try and try again is just to much so i am quitting for another day. night night


  1. Hopefully, I got rid of word verification, and I don't have the embedded comment form.

  2. I'm scorching mad right now cause blogger has also made my followers disappear AGAIN!!!!!

  3. They do seem to be having their share of problems lately :(
    I can no longer move my gadgets and save them on my sidebar, so frustrating !

  4. Have never gotten my followers back. By not keeping my sign in on I can comment after I do my initial sign in for the day. Its a pain but at least I can comment and post. The blogging troubles certianly make this not too much fun anymore.

  5. He Sandra,
    My trickbox has run dry too! Sorry

    I wish i could help you but hopefully it will change soon!


  6. Oh no Sandra not again, I got your comment earlier today hope you get it sorted

  7. Blogs are hard to learn and blogger has its problems lately?

  8. Well so far this evening I haven't had any problems (knock on wood!) but it sounds like I will run into trouble soon.

  9. Sorry to hear this. I haven't had these problems myself, neither last time nor now, and I'm still puzzled why only some bloggers have them while others don't. I did change my settings last time when I got aware it seemed to be more than a temporary problem, and I have not changed them back. But this is really something Blogger should fix; individual bloggers can't be expected to change settings every time another blogger has a different preference (like WV or no WV or whatever).
