Monday, June 20, 2011

Coccoloba uvifera

Yesterdays answer to what is this plant, is Seagrape (coccoloba uvifera) some call it Hopwood or Horsewood and they can grow 40 to 50 feet.

 Range: Florida, Bahamas, West Indies, Central and South America. Coastal dune plant, vital to erosion control and as a wind and salt break. Can be grown inland, where they may reach 50 ft.

The fruit is edible, rinse and eat or make jelly or jam from them. I have never tasted one, since I was afraid to try it when I saw these.

A duck walks into a bar and asks, "Got any grapes?"

The bartender, confused, tells the duck no. The duck thanks him and leaves.

The next day, the duck returns and asks, "Got any grapes?"

Again, the bartender tells him, "No -- the bar does not serve grapes, has never served grapes and, furthermore, will never serve grapes." The duck thanks him and leaves.
The next day, the duck returns, but before he can say anything, the bartender yells, "Listen, duck! This is a bar! We do not serve grapes! If you ask for grapes again, I will nail your stupid duck beak to the bar!"
The duck is silent for a moment, and then asks, "Got any nails?"

Confused, the bartender says no.

"Good!" says the duck. "Got any grapes?"


  1. That was one funny duck!

    A friend and I used to drive down to FL and visit her mom. Her mom had some jam a friend had made from these grapes, it was really good.

  2. THese do remind me a little of the wild grapes that grow here.They are quite small and after a light frost they taste pretty good.

  3. great info and photos.
    loving to learn new tings.

    happy week ahead!
    betty xx

  4. A funny duck! 50 ft plant, it starts so small, of course...

  5. That last picture is beautiful, they are all different colors! I wonder if they taste like grapes?

  6. Tears popping out of my eyes - that is one good joke. Loved it...and such pretty grapes, too!

  7. A duck with attitude, I love

    I also love that plant.

  8. Great shots and great joke.

    I've published a response to yours and others comments on my Breaking Out photo if you want to take a look.

  9. hahaha smart duck! and 40 to 50 feet? That is pretty big!!!

    Thanks for sharing

  10. Okay - pick them and make some jelly - I want to see it and have you taste it! Then take a picture.

  11. Sandra, good tie in with the plant and duck joke.

  12. I love the last photo. Great color, and interesting for me.

  13. Love the last image too, great POV.

    Love that duck!

  14. (lol)..well Sandra, this sea grape looks different on second thought. I guess I'm off to investigate! This appears to be low like a shrub..but you said it gets 40ft? I'll get back on this one. I do hope you'll be feeling better soon-

  15. The duck joke is priceless and was a happy ending following the pix of the seagrapes turning into colors that offered a visual taste treat to go with the colors you have set up for your posting tme, number of comments and other recurring features at the end of posts!

  16. I peed, I am off to tell my honeyman this joke.

  17. Hello,

    While we were in Florida, I walked past many of those sea grape bushes/trees. I never noticed the grapes. Funny duck joke.
