Sunday, June 19, 2011


Why does Harrison Ford look like this at age 69 and I look like.... well, What I look Like.

and the biggest Why of all? why does he have a private helicopter AND a private JET, both of which HE can Fly Himself?
and I have, well, whatever!  He flies and I read the AARP Magazine. Whoo Hoo What A Life I lead.


  1. Plastic surgery - at least to answer the first question...
    ; )

  2. And digital retouching on top of that! (what Sarah said) I bet with Photoshop you could easily make a stunning magazine cover any day! The MadSnapper, Queen of the Back Yard Jungle - there's no fence that will stop her from getting the photo she wants!

  3. you are beautiful inside and out....

  4. As to Harrison Ford, have you seen him in an interview lately??? In the close up shots, he looks his age. Most of the magazine covers are air brushed, at least a little bit. They don't get too radical with altering the pics, so you don't figure it out. And I would much rather read AARP than fly up in the air in anything, yikes!!! I hope my feet will continue to be firmly planted on the ground. But you KNEW I would say all of this, I know. I DO like Harrison ford, though, and he is very dreamy!! More my style than George Clooney...I LOVE your header!! And that shot of the plant below is gorgeous. Of course I enlarged it. I just don't have a clue, so I will say wild grapes, that's what it looks like. But I never thought of them growing in Florida. I got a new follower the other day who is from Bradenton! She moved away a few years ago, though.

  5. I tend to agree with Ginny on the air-brushing. A lady my age down our road used to fly a small plane in Alaska, hunt and clean the animals. Where have I been (I've asked myself that)

  6. Wow.. Look at him. He is so handsome. :)
    Some have it and some dont I guess.

  7. and any photo I think if you know how and these people know how to fix up photos.

  8. To answer your question . . . You're just lucky I guess.

  9. one word...Photoshop :)
    We love you just the way you are Sandra

  10. Air brushing - plastic surgery - photo touch up - it all comes down to M O N E Y !

    He has it we don't.

    Therefore we go ala naturale!

  11. You and Ford have something in common besides the AAARP mag. You both have a creative energy that results in something that brings pleasure and provokes thought and illumination for yout fellow human beings. .

  12. one of my favourites.

    i love you just the way you are, Sandra!
    cause you're amazing!!!

    betty xx
