Sunday, June 5, 2011

Don't Worry, Be happy

Matthew 6 :25"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 
26"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 
27Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?


  1. Thank you for these words. I love these ducks :)

  2. So true. I wish I could live by those words better.

  3. Pretty pictures. Love the ducks. How sweet of those turtles to line up like that just for you.

  4. great scriptures and photos ...

  5. I need to post this scripture to remember it. Thank you :)

  6. oh my word, those are wonderful shots!
    what lovely ducks!!perfect colour and tones!

    great words, too!

    have a great rest of your weekend!

    betty xx

  7. Thanks, I needed that admonishion this morning.
    Love the turtles all hanging out together. That's the way we will be at lunch/dinner today. 13 cozy people at the diningroom table. Having an indoor BBQ due to the icky weather we are having.

  8. I love your red cardinal and flower header. But my favorite is the turtles. They are all lined up on top of each other, and an awesome reflection!!!

  9. Love your cardinal heaer. These pictures along with this scripture are inspiring. Thank you.

  10. Thanks for sharing this wonderful scripture and illustrating it with your beautiful pictures. The second picture is marvelous in its detail.

  11. Sunny verse- love the photos you chose to go with today! What a charming flock and the reflections are so pretty with the turtles too! Sandra your header is dreamy- absolutely precious!

  12. Look! Turtles! Cool!

    Love your verses today - and so true - I cannot add one single second to my life by worrying. So today - I will NOT worry. One day at at time...

  13. Those words are such a wonderful reminder of we need to keep in mind each day. Love the turtle photo.

  14. ohhh those turtles are soooo cute!
    and i love your header again with the little red bird and the pink/purple flowers!

    And i'm glad your back from the "old days"!!!


  15. Great photos of the mallards at rest and I love the way the turtles are lined up on the log. But now that song, of your post title, is going to be stuck in my head for the rest of the day.

  16. Loved catching up with all your flora and fauna, including the Madsnapper species and mate.

  17. Great photos. I went back to the swamp. A lot of ducks all flew away. I may start going back over there when the weather cools off.

  18. Beautiful post. I wish we all could live by these words. I think most of us believe that this is true, but our human nature makes us worry. I give things to God to carry for me, then take them back, and then give them back again. Back and forth, back and forth. I know the Lord understands. He made us human.

  19. No one can nor one second either. So why do I do it - I know better. Nice pictures!!!
