Monday, June 6, 2011

Guess What this is

 On the way home from the library, I stopped Just For You, to capture this building.
Can you guess what this building is from looking at the balconies?
 Does this help?
 How about this shot? do you know what this is?
 I am about to tell you. The automotive shop my husband worked in for years, was torn down, a whole city block, torn down and they built this new building, a whole city block? have you guessed yet?

I thought this Parking Garage is worthy of a post. It is the prettiest one I have seen. When they first finished it, we thought it was an office park, until closer look.
You All KNOW this will not be the ONLY post on this building. Just so you KNOW
Your clue for what tomorrow brings is this.....
I forced showed Hubby my photos and he said 
(to be continued)


  1. I must say it is also the prettiest one I have seen. It does look like a office building or condos.

  2. It is an attractive car park.

  3. I love it. You should see some of the junk they put up in Savannah Including one underground. I'll bet you'll never see the Snapper II park under ground in Savannah.

  4. I love purple! Back in Baltimore I saw a purple row house. I'd buy it in a minute and keep it that color. Just to be different.

  5. Wow! What a beautiful garage!! We don't have anything like that here.

  6. Building is very pretty...wonder why they put so much into a parking garage. Can't wait for the "continued".....

  7. I never would have guessed that....

  8. Oh, you should have made this a game and let people guess. Because I think for the first time in my life, I guessed right!! O.K. it did take me till almost the last picture, but hey! It is very, very pretty for a garage, I don't know why people make them so ugly when they don't have to. I hope you parked in there and will show us. I don't know the purpose of those terraces, other than just to look pretty, but maybe you will tell us! Can't wait to see what Bob said!

  9. I would not have guessed - until the last picture (the sign saying Parking Garage...) Nice!

  10. Took me til the fourth shot to guess correctly. Hooray for the decision-makers on this one. The usual chunky unadorned cement garages create the same sensory experience as urban spaces under elevated interstates . . .blight.

  11. That beyond doubt the best looking parking garage I have ever seen.It would be a privilege to park my car in there,if I could afford it.

  12. Its not the fabulous parking lot of a new mosque is it?
    (Ah ha ha) the colors and the arches have me going- so cool.. great photos my dear!!

  13. Hubby cracks me up...
    What a stunning parking garage...
    well - at least it's pretty!!

  14. Yay, I got it right. I have to admit it is so much prettier than most around here. Pretty color too.
    Great to be continued post. I'll be back....

  15. darn, I hate
    I never would have guessed a parking garage. from the first picture I thought either a hotel or an apartment building

  16. What a teaser!!!
    Have never seen a purple parking garage... pretty ones but not purple!

  17. That is a nice parking garage - I never would have guessed - at first I thought it was a shopping center.

  18. That's one snazzy parking garage!

  19. I'll be waiting to hear what hubby said ... in the meantime, that's one neat parking garage!

  20. Oh wow, that is the pretties parking garage I have ever seen either. I would have guessed a high end mall with attached parking. Can't wait to hear what Bob said about this.

  21. those are fantastic building shots!

    great perspective and detail.

    betty xx
