Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Oh, No.. you didn't

continued from yesterday post

As he stared at the photos on the screen,
Hubby said "YOU WENT INSIDE?" as he walked away shaking his head as if to say 
Oh No! you didn't!

See that open door? why would they leave it open, if not for ME to step through?
YES! I stepped through it and....
 Hummm, I thought, this is a little spooky.....oh for Pete's sake I thought, you have watched one to many "action" movies (hubby and I love action movies)
  I saw the headlights of the car moving towards me and immediately it popped in my head

"Be Careful! it might start to rev it's engine and run me down".

(can you say Mel Gibson, Bruce Willis, Stallone, Segal?) if so, you KNOW what I mean.
Snap! Snap! Snap!

I realized I was alone  in a dark garage and that at any moment  someone firing an UZI might rise up from behind a parked car firing a gazillion bullets in my direction. My eyes darted here and there and over my shoulder....
              I am thinking,  no one knows where I am, since I SAID I was  going  straight to the library and back home.

My eyes were scanning for  Bruce,Sylveste,Mel or even My Man Clint Eastwood. Where are they when I need them?
You all  know the men that can dodge a thousand bullets from a machine gun and not get a scratch, then  take down the bad man with one shot from a pistol. YES!

Alas! not one of them in sight..... and I had my autograph book ready to whip out AFTER I swooned in their arms...
So dear Readers, since sadly, I  am no longer able to dodge moving bullets , and since my heroes did not show up, I  quickly snapped the view of my car sitting in front of the bank, just for you dear bloggers  and ran walked to my car while trying to keep and eye on bank just in case the armored truck was being robbed,

or the drive through window,
or the tellers inside... OOPS! sorry got caught up in my fears AGAIN

Cheap too
Monthly is 40.00 and Hour is .25 cents half hour/limit 2 hours limit on first floor and 2nd floor is .25 half hour/limit 10 hours.


  1. LOL you have a very vivid imagination Sandra. I think Bruse Willis would have been best in that situation, I ve watched Die Hard movies too many times;o)

  2. I agree with Sam - you have a great imagination!


  3. OHhh Yea go to a parking garage in down town savannah and you will be seen on the afternoon news. We will be headed to Bulloch county today.

  4. That sure is cheap. It is $40 for 2 hours here. It is a nice new clean garage. I think you watch too much TV/action movies.

  5. So glad that you ran, walked away from those robbers! Nice to see that action in your mind :) Imagination is good...funny

  6. If you had been in a parking garage in Savannah, GA, you would not have needed to use your imagination! Good post!

  7. You had a movie going on in your head!

  8. You sound normal to me!. Yes, it is lovely and I love the geometrical shots.

  9. Good Morning, Sandra,

    I have a suspicion that your trusty sidekick, Bob, led you to the parking garage, because he secretly works for the F.B.I. who use the second floor for their headquarters in Bradenton. Have you noticed he sometimes disappears without explanation for hours? Is he really going to fly mini airplanes all those mornings, or just helping spot a bad guy for the FBI? What about that white beard? Could it be part of his disguise? Why would you need Clint or Mel, or Sylvester when you have Bob living in your house. Does Bob have any weapons stashed out in the garage. Things are not always what they seem, you know. Be sure to watch your back when you are out alone.

  10. Love this imaginative post. Those action flicks and crime TV shows often have me thinking what would I do if . . .

  11. Love this imaginative post. Those action flicks and crime TV shows often have me thinking what would I do if . . .

  12. Too funny! Spooky, too. The one at the big University hospital in Charlottesville has had crime there, and it always scares me! Phil has to let me off, then go there to park, I always worry. They are dark and spooky. They look like a jail for short people. Yours looks kind of bright, but I'm still surprised that you went it! It is very cheap! I love the last reflection picture!

  13. I doubt that any child these days has as great an imagination as you do!

  14. I love your imagination there Sandra and I wished someone would show up for you. I was just watching Las Vegas today while riding my bike and Danny got knocked out and almost run over in his parking garage.

    25 cents - it's $4 an hour here.

  15. funny and haunting, too. lol, you have a vivid imagination, sandra,
    which i love it.
    the photos are great, awesome angles.

    betty xx

  16. So YOU were INSIDE the parking garage taking pictures of your own car OUTSIDE the parking garage... LOL... Funny Girl!

  17. You sure did have a most excellent adventure in the parking garage. No matter that it was all imagined. You can always find a picture of Clint somewhere and paste him in to one of those pictures you took. As a matter of fact I can't believe you didn't do that :)

  18. you write fiction as well as "shoot" ....???

  19. In addition to a great photographer, I think you would make a good mystery writer.

  20. you should write a book with that imagination...you go girl...

  21. Sandra, great fun reading this and also the previous post asking what the building was - glad you told us cause I would not have guessed correctly. Also enjoyed the caterpillar post. We've been busy with yard work so I'm playing catch-up with blog reading tonight.

  22. Wow, $2.50 for 10 hours? That's about what it is for an hours over this way.

    You and I watch a lot of the same movies. I'd go for Bruce, he's really good in parking garages.

  23. Ya, you could of been mugged (they would of felt sorry)..I'm laughing cause I would probably do the same. Strange, I feel like I'm inside walking around!!

  24. Love your imagination. You need to have an AWESOME button to click on.

  25. You are such a gift...
    Your humor is fabulous...
    And, hubby, I would have gone in the garage too - but maybe not as far as you did - unless of course I saw Mr. Eastwood!!!! ;o)
